SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Right to im-
pose a license
land, That in addition to all other powers vested in the Mayor
and Common Council of the town of Deer Park by the previous
Acts of the Legislature of Maryland, said Mayor and Com-
mon Council shall have the power to pass all such ordinances
as may be necessary to impose a license tax upon all circuses,
shows, theatrical troupes exhibiting within the limits of said
town, and upon all livery stable keepers, owners of horses,
hacks, carts, wagons, drays or other vehicles kept for hire,
and upon all auctions, stores, shops, saloons, dancing halls
and other places of amusement, and upon hawkers and ped-
dlers, and upon all other trades, business or profession oper-
ating or carried on within the limits of said town of Deer
Park, or that may come therein for the purpose of trans-
acting business; the amount of said license tax for each and
every year shall be as follows : On all dancing halls not
more than one hundred dollars; on each and every saloon not
less than one hundred and fifty dollars nor more than three
hundred dollars ; on each and every livery stable, not more than
ten dollars for each rig; for each huckster or peddler not more
than fifty dollars ; for each merchant or storekeeper not more
than ten dollars ; and for all other kinds of business, trades, or
profession such sum as said Mayor and Common Council
shall in their judgment deem proper. No license tax shall be
issued for a period of less than one year (except license for
circuses, shows and theatrical troupes), and shall be dated
Applications to
be made to
the Mayor.
from the first day of May in each year. All applications for
license shall be made to the Mayor of said town, who is hereby
authorized to issue same upon the payment of the license tax
provided for by the ordinances of said town.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1904.
AN ACT to empower the County Commissioners of Cecil
County to levy a sum of money to build a public wharf on
the Sassafras river in Cecil County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
To levy a tax
land, That the County Commissioners of Cecil County be and
to build a
they are hereby empowered to levy at the next levy made in
said county a sum of money, not exceeding two thousand dol-