hundred and fifty citizens shall be selected as to their respective
numbers from the respective election districts of said county
as follows: From the First Election District, thirty-seven ;
from the Second Election District, thirty-three ; from the Third
Election District, thirty-five; from the Fourth Election Dis-
trict, twenty-five ; from the Fifth Election District, twenty ; and
of the names of the persons so selected, and the respective dis-
tricts from which they have been selected, a list shall be made
Court's cer-
and a certificate appended thereto by said Judge or Judges,
certifying that said list of names has been selected in con-
formity with and according to the spirit of this Act, and the
said list and certificates shall be filed with the clerk of said
court, and by him be preserved as other proceedings of said
court are kept.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That when said list of names, se-
Drawing a
lected as directed by the preceding section of this Act, is made
jury by the
and certified as hereinbefore provided, immediately thereupon
the Judge or Judges of said court, in the presence of the mem-
bers of the bar as aforesaid, and such other persons as may at-
tend, shall cause all the names selected and placed on the list
as aforesaid to be legibly written on ballots of the same size
and the same color and appearance, which shall be closely
folded and placed by said Judge or Judges, by their own hands,
immediately before the drawing hereintofore provided for, into
a box twenty inches long, six inches wide and four inches deep,
to be provided for the purpose by the clerk of said court, under
the direction of said Judge or Judges of said court, which box
shall have five compartments or drawers, which shall be num-
bered to correspond with the numbers of the respective elec-
tion districts of said county, and the names of the persons so
selected as aforesaid shall be placed by the Judge or Judges
in the said compartments or drawers as follows : The thirty-
Each election
seven names selected from the First District, in No.1 ; the
district to be
thirty-three names from the Second District, in No. 2 ; the
thirty-five names from the Third District, in No. 3 ; the twenty-
five names from the Fourth District, in No. 4; the twenty
names from the Fifth District, in No. 5 ; and after so depositing
said ballots the said box shall be closed, and the Judge or
Judges shall cause the clerk of said court, or one of his depu-
ties, whom the said Judge or Judges shall designate, and who
shall not have been present at the writing, folding and de-
positing of said ballots into the box, as herein directed, to ap-
pear before him or them, then and there, in the presence of said
Judge or Judges and such other persons as may choose to be
present, to draw, without looking into the same, from said