L. Kaufman, collector Frederick County, for years 1898-9,
twenty dollars and eight cents ; Alexander Ramsburg, collec-
tor Frederick County, for years 1900-I, six hundred and thirty-
four dollars and eighty-six cents; Charles C. Biser, collector
of Frederick County, for years 1902-3, two hundred and forty-
two dollars and twenty cents; George B. McCeney, collector
fifth district, Montgomery County, for year 1897, four dollars
:and thirty-one cents ; A. M. C. Moore, collector second district,
Talbot County, two dollars and seven cents ; W. S. Covington,
collector fifth district, Talbot County, for year 1899, one hun-
dred and thirty dollars and one cent ; William F. Jump, collec-
tor fourth district, Talbot County, eight dollars and seventy-
seven cents ; Charles B. Lloyd, collector second district, Talbot
County, one dollar; E. A. Powell, collector fifth district, Wi-
comico County, for year 1897, forty- f our dollars and ninety-one
cents ; and for moneys erroneously paid on account of mort-
gage tax, viz. : B. R. Davidson, collector Anne Arundel
County, for years 1897-8, forty-six dollars and twenty-nine
cents; B. Allein Welch, collector Anne Arundel County, for
year 1900, thirty-four dollars and seventy-six cents; J. William
Baughman, collector of Frederick County, for year 1897, seven
hundred and ninety-nine dollars and twenty-one cents ; George
L. Kaufman, collector Frederick County, for years 1898-9,
two hundred and eighty-nine dollars and fifty-two cents ;
Alexander Ramsburg, collector Frederick County, for years
1900-1, thirteen hundred and twenty-seven dollars and nine-
ty-six cents ; Charles C. Biser, collector Frederick County, for
years 1902-3, four hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty-
six cents; E. W. Walker, collector first district, Montgomery
County for the year 1901, three dollars and forty-five cents.
Approved March 29, 1904.
AN ACT to change the boundary lines between the First
and Third Election Districts of Baltimore County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the line between the First and Third Election Dis-
tricts of Baltimore County as now laid down be changed and
lino between
that the line which shall hereafter divide said districts shall
election dis-
tricts in Bal-
be as follows: Beginning for the same at the intersection
of the westernmost boundary line of the City of Baltimore
with the centre of Gwynn's Falls and running thence north-
erly with said westernmost line of the City of Baltimore to