SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the American Funeral Benefit Association of Bal-
Officers and
directors of
timore City, incorporated under the General Laws of this
State by charter duly approved and recorded among the
Charter Records of the Superior Court of Baltimore City,
in Libers R. Q. No. 36, folio 91, and R. O. No. 42, folio
339, etc., of which association Harry L. Brown, P. H. Felt-
housen, Lillie L. Johnson, John H. Connor, C. W. Lewis,
J. T. Taylor, of Baltimore, Md. ; L. F. Page, S. S. Banham,
of Brooklyn, N. Y.; E. W. Hartz, of Harrisburg, Pa., and
Hallie E. Merritt, of Washington, D. C., are the officers and
directors, being successors of the incorporators thereof, they
and their successors shall have perpetual succession as such,
and they shall be and are hereby authorized to increase the
number of directors for said association to not mon. than fif-
teen at any time it be deemed necessary and advisable; that
the principal office of said association shall be located in Bal-
Location of
principal of-
timore City, Maryland, and that the president, treasurer and
secretary thereof "shall be resident of the City of Baltimore
and State of Maryland.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That said association shall be ca-
pable in law to purchase and retain property, real, personal and
Right to pur-
chase proper-
mixed, and to transfer, mortgage or otherwise dispose of same ;
ty, loan
and said association is authorized to loan its funds in hand upon
funds, etc.
good security as approved by the board of directors ; and said
association shall have authority to create and maintain a reserve
fund for the benefit of its obligations.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said association may sue and
be sued, answer and defend in any court of law or equity;
Privileges and
may have use and at pleasure change "a common seal, and in
general exercise all such rights, privileges and immunities
as by law are incident or necessary to this association, and to
enable the members of said association, through its conventions,
to exercise all things concerning the design for which this asso-
ciation was formed, as shall be regulated in the constitution
and by-laws as now formed or hereafter amended.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That said association shall have
power to make contracts with councils of all patriotic, frater-
Power to con-
nal and social organizations, orders or bodies for the payment
tract with pa-
triotic and
of funeral benefits upon the death of members of said councils,
fraternal or-
organizations, orders or bodies; said funeral benefit, however,
for payment
not to exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. That
of funeral
said American Funeral Benefit Association, by and through
its board of directors, or by its conventions, shall have power