of the meeting or meetings to be held for the purpose of
considering such increase or increases as may be required by
the by-laws of said corporation for the annual meeting of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall have
To transact a
general bank-
power to borrow money, to receive money on deposit, to lend
ing business.
money or to discount in accordance with bank usage, taking
such security therefor, either real or personal, as the board
of directors may deem sufficient ; and said corporation may
buy or sell bills of exchange, notes, bonds or other securities ;
may purchase and hold such real and personal estate and prop-
erty as may be necessary for the accommodation and transac-
tion of its business; may rent out to its depositors and others
boxes and other receptacles in its vault for the keeping of se-
curities, papers and other valuable articles ; may issue letters
of credit and other commercial obligations, and generally may
do and transact a general banking business, and shall have
perpetual succssion.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever any deposits shall
Relating to
be made in said corporation by a minor, such deposits shall
be received or held and paid out on precisely the same terms
and conditions as those of adult depositors ; and the check,
receipt or acquittance of such minor shall be valid and binding
on him or her, any law of this State to the contrary notwith-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the election of directors of
said corporation shall be in accordance with the by-laws passed
by the stockholders thereof.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the
Right to issue
said corporation to issue notes, usually denominated bank notes,
bank notes.
to an amount not at any time exceeding the amount of its capi-
tal stock actually paid in; and no notes shall be issued for a less
amount or denomination than five dollars, nor for any amount
intermediate between five and ten dollars ; and the General As-
sembly may at any time restrict the issue of such notes, both
in the amount which may be issued and the denomination of
notes ; but this section shall not be construed as compulsory
upon said corporation to issue such bank notes if the directors
shall at any time deem it unadvisable.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president, vice-president,
Oath of offi-
cers and di-
each director, the cashier and assistant cashier, before entering
upon the duties of his office, shall take the following oath or
affirmation, as the case may be: "I do solemnly swear (or af-