is not in the occupancy of its owner or owners, the said Com-
missioners shall have the work done and the material fur-
nished, and shall cause the town bailiff to ascertain the pro-
portion of expense chargeable to each proprietor, and may
recover the same by action in the Circuit Court or before a jus-
tice of the peace, according to the amount so awarded, and
may collect such award as other town taxes are collected, pro-
vided that before the passage of any ordinances requiring the
whole or any portion of such sidewalks and gutters to be
paved and graded or repaved and regraded, and for the as-
sessment of the expense of such work upon the abutting owner
ten days' notice shall be given in some newspaper published in
the town of Hurlock, and if no newspaper be published in said
town of Hurlock, then in some newspaper published in Dor-
Hearings be-
fore Town
chester County, and an opportunity shall be afforded all per-
sons interested therein to be heard by and before said Com-
SEC. 2. And be if enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 25, 1904.
AN ACT to enlarge and extend the powers and privileges of
the Savings Bank of Somerset County, a corporation, and to
authorize a change of name of the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Savings Bank of Somerset County, a corpora-
Savings Bank
of Somerset
tion duly formed under the provisions of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, in addition to the powers and
privileges conferred upon it by its certificate of incorporation.
which is hereby ratified and confirmed, shall have the further
rights, privileges and powers particularly mentioned in this
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the stockholders of said
corporation be and they are hereby authorized at special or
Right to in-
crease its cap-
annual meetings, and by vote of the holders of two-thirds of
ital stock.
the capital stock in said corporation, to increase the capital
stock of the same, from time to time, from fifty thousand dol-
lars, its present capital, to such an amount or amounts as they
may determine, not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars';
provided that any increase or increases shall be made in said
capital stock such notice shall be given to the stockholders