tion District No. I shall be and continue in force in said new
election districts hereby established until repealed by law.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That in the allotment of the
County Commissioners for said county and for Tax Collectors
Allotment of
of said county as now exist by law the said new election dis-
tricts hereby established shall be included as heretofore, or
as hereafter may be made by law, and that the Supervisors
of Elections of Somerset County are hereby authorized and
required to appoint officers of registration and other election of-
ficials as in other districts, and to furnish new books of registra-
tion for use of said officers in said new districts hereby estab-
lished and to make all necessary rules and regulations in con-
formity with existing laws for such purpose.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 25, 1904.
AN ACT to enable the Mayor and Council of Snow Hill, in
Worcester County, to borrow upon the faith and credit of
said town a sum not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, and
to issue and sell coupons therefor, to provide funds for the
improvement of the streets, avenues, alleys and ways of said
Snow Hill, and to provide for the levy and collection of
taxes to meet the interest and principal of said bonds as the
same become due.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That for the purpose of improving the streets, avenues,
Highways of
Snow Hill to
alleys and ways of the town of Snow Hill as more particularly
be improved.
hereinafter set out, the Mayor and Council of Snow Hill are
hereby authorized, in their discretion, to borrow upon the
credit of the town of Snow Hill an amount not exceeding the
sum of fifteen thousand dollars, and to issue coupon bonds
therefor in sums not less than one hundred dollars and not
more than one thousand dollars each, to be signed by the
Mayor of said town and to be countersigned by the Treasurer
of said corporation, with the seal of said town attached; said
bonds shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per
annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of January
and July in each and every year until the said bonds are paid;