suggestion in writing of the State's Attorney of Allegany
County, that the interests of justice so require, such warrant
Can act upon
State's At-
torney's sug-
may be issued by any magistrate of the county, and if it has
been issued before such suggestion of the State's Attorney,
such case may be removed to some other justice of the peace
by the magistrate who first issued his warrant in the premises.
And it shall not be lawful for any magistrate to issue his
warrant against any resident of said county authorizing; his
Unlawful for
arrest, or to try any such offender after his arrest, unless the
istrate to act
under certain
alleged offender shall reside in said election district or the
offense or crime complained of shall have arisen in the elec-
tion district for which such justice of the peace has been ap-
pointed; provided, however, that if there be no justice of the
peace in the election district in which the offender resides or
in which the crime or offense arose, then the justice of the
peace of any adjoining district shall have jurisdiction to issue
his warrant for and try such offender in the manner pre-
scribed by law.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this Act shall take elect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 18. 1904.
AN ACT to authorize the Board of County School Com-
missioners of Caroline County to organize a high school
to be located in the town of Fedcralsburg, in said county,
and to appropriate certain monevs in the maintenance there-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Board of County School Commissioners of
Caroline County be and the same is hereby authorized, di-
School Board
rected and required to organize a high school, to be located
of Caroline
County to or-
in the town of Federalsburg, in Caroline County, and upon
ganize a high
the organization thereof the said Board of County School
Commissioners shall forward to the Comptroller of the Treas-
ury of Maryland a certificate that the same hath been organ-
ized, and that after receiving such certificate the sum of five
hundred dollars per annum be and the same is hereby appro-
priated to be paid by the State of Maryland to assist in the
maintenance of such high school, and that the Comptroller
of the Treasury of said State be and he is hereby authorized,