shall be to preserve the peace and good order of the town, to
arrest without warrant and take before a Justice of the Peace
any person found violating any ordinance of said town or any
law of this State; or upon warrant issued on complaint of
others to arrest any person charged with the violation of
any ordinance or law and take them before a Justice of the
Peace to be dealt with according to law, and whenever
neessary to commit any offender until a speedy trial can be
had; and for these purposes the said bailiffs are hereby vested
Vested with
also with the same powers as are now possessed by constables
the powers of
under the laws of this State, and shall be entitled in addition
to the compensation fixed by the Mayor and City Council, to
the fees allowed constables under the laws of this State, which
shall be collected from the parties arrested and convicted.
It shall be the duty of each of said bailiffs to report at each
regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and City Council, in
Reports to be
writing and under oath, that they have each faithfully per-
monthly by
formed their duties required by this section, and also report
all violations of the law brought to their sight or knowledge
within the time of said report and their actions in the premises,
together with a statement of fees received by them, which said
reports shall be filed and recorded among the proceedings of
the Mayor and City Council. They shall each take an oath
well and truly to perform the duties required of them, or that
may be required of them, by an ordinance of the Mayor and
City Council, and give bond for the faithful performance of
their duties as prescribed by this Act in the penalty of five hun-
dred dollars, with good and sufficient sureties approved by the
Mayor and City Council, within ten days after their appoint-
ment. Any baliff failing to perform the duties imposed upon
him, on evidence of the fact being produced before the City
Failure to per-
form their
Council, shall be removed by the Mayor and another appointed
in his stead, or any baliff may be removed at any time by the
Mayor with the assent of the City Council, when in their dis-
cretion he is incompetent or unfit to perform the duties re-
quired of him by law. A failure to qualify, as above pro-
Failure to
vided, within ten days shall be deemed a refusal of the office
and authorize another appointment.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the term of the Mayor and
City Council of Laurel as at present constituted whose term
Terms of
expires by law on the second Monday in April, 1904, is hereby
Mayor and
extended until the fourth Monday in April, 1904, and they are
hereby vested with all the powers for such extension of their
term of office as they possessed during the term for which they
were elected.