have power to preserve the peace and good order of the town,
and shall serve all civil and criminal process that may be
directed to him or them, and perform such other duties as
may be prescribed by ordinance.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the Burgess and Councilmen
may annually assess for taxation all improved real estate
within the taxable limits of said town, except such as may
be exempt by land. The taxation shall not exceed ten cents
on the one hundred dollars.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted. That all fines, forfeitures and
Fines and pen-
penalties under the ordinance of the corporation shall be
recoverable before the Burg-ess or any one of the Councilmen ;
and any person refusing to pay such fines and forfeitures
shall be committed to the jail of Frederick County until pay-
ment or discharged in due course of law ; and the Burgess
and each of said Councilmen shall, in virtue of his office,
have and exercise all the powers of a Justice of the Peace,
in so far as the recovery of said fines and forfeitures is con-
cerned, and may commit to jail for the non-payment there-
of ; and all moneys so collected shall be paid over to the Treas-
urer of said corporation.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted. That the Burgess and Council-
men shall, by ordinance, prohibit the running at large in said
town of any horses, cattle, sheep or swine.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the Burgess and Council-
men may appoint annually a water superintendent and a
lamplighter, whose duties and compensation shall be provided
for by an ordinance.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the Burgess and Council-
Power to grant
: men shall have full power and authority to authorize and
permit, and by an ordinance, grant to any electric or steam
railroad company or telephone or telegraph company, whose
road or line enters or is intended to enter the limits of the cor-
poration of Myersville, the right and privilege of laying down
and constructing its tracks and of building and grading its
road along, through or over any streets, lanes and alleys
of said town, subject to such regulations as may be provided
by ordinance. The said Burgess and Council shall have power
by agreement with the owners or proprietors of any county
road or turnpike road running through said town to take
charge and help in repair so much of said county road or
turnpike road as lies within the taxable limits as one of the
streets of said town.