rights, interest, privileges or franchises not required to be
taken in such proceedings, by reason of the opening, widening.
extending, straightening or closing of any street, lane or
alley, or by reason of the broadening of any sidewalk, or the
opening of any public squares or market space in said burnt
SEC. 27. And be if enacted, That in the widening- of Light
Providing for
filling up
street on the east side thereof, or of East Pratt street on the
south side thereof, should the said Commission so decide to
widen them or either of them, or in widening any public
wharf or dock, the said Commission shall lay down and fix
the breadth of said widening on the map or maps to be sent
with the report or reports, as herein provided, to the joint
body hereinbefore provided for, and on its approval, as herein-
before provided, by said joint body, the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore are hereby authorized to provide by or-
dinance or ordinances for filling up the harbor or basin of
Baltimore to the extent necessary to make such widening of
both or either of said streets and of any such public dock.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That in closing any streets,
ers' powers
lanes or alleys, situated in said burnt district, said Commis-
to assess all
sion shall have the powers to assess all the damages and
benefits arising from said closing now possessed by the Com-
mission for Opening Streets in the City of Baltimore, under
any law or ordinances relating to the closing of streets, lanes
or alleys in said city, and shall proceed in the manner pre-
scribed by said laws and ordinances, the person or persons
interested therein having all the rights, including the rights of
appeal, conferred on them by said laws and ordinances. And
in the proceeding for the closing of any street, lane or alley
or any part thereof, under the powers conferred on said Com-
mission by this Act, the procedure may, in any case or cases,
at the option of the said Commission be such as is provided
for in said laws and ordinances or such as may at any time
hereafter be provided for by law or laws of the State of Mary-
land, or by any lawful ordinance or ordinances of the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, adopted pursuant to the powers
conferred on it by Article 4, entitled "City of Baltimore," of
the Public Local Laws of Maryland, or such as may be pro-
vided for the very best purpose by lawful ordinance or ordi-
nances of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, which
said ordinance or ordinances the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore is hereby fully authorized to adopt, provided that
provision is made therein for reasonable notice to the owner