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Session Laws, 1904
Volume 209, Page 1351   View pdf image
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No. 605. An Act to regulate and levy a tax upon the gross re-


ceipts and earnings of the electric railroad companies operating


and doing business in the City of Cumberland and Allegany


County, Maryland............................................


No. 606. An Act to appropriate the sum of one thousand dollars


for each of the two fiscal years ending on the thirtieth day


of September, 1905 and 1906, respectively, to the Henry Watson


Children's Aid Society of Baltimore..........................


No. 607. An Act to provide against the evils resulting from the


traffic in certain narcotic drugs, and to regulate the sale thereof


No. 608. An Act to regulate the width of tires on vehicles used


for the transportation of loads on the public roads of Caroline


County and to prescribe the penalty for a violation of the same,


and providing; for the submission thereof to the qualified voters


of Caroline County at the election to be held on the first Tues-


day after the first Monday of November, 1904.................


No. 609. An Act to incorporate the Real Estate Trust and Bank-


ing Company................................................


No. 610. An Act to refund to Maria Lee Smith a sum of money


paid in error to the State Treasurer...........................


No. 611. An Act to repeal Sections 61, 62, 65 and 66 of the Code


of Public General Laws, title "Caroline County," sub-title


"County Treasurer," and Sections 68A, 68B, 68C and 68P,


which were added to said sub-title by Chapter 211 of the Acts


of 1892, and Section 68C of the Acts of 1892, Chapter 211, as


amended by Chapter 353 of the Acts of 1894, and to re-enact


said sections, except Section 62, with amendments ............


No. 613. An Act to continue and extend to the purchaser of the


property of the Queen Anne's Railroad Company all the fran-


chises, privileges and exemptions now enjoyed by said railroad


company, subject, however, to the conditions, restrictions and


limitations upon the same....................................


No. 614. An Act making appropriations for the support of the


State Government for the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day


of September, 1905.............................................


No. 615. An Act to authorize and direct the County Commis-


sioners of Anne Arundel County to locate and build a new


bridge and repair the county bridge over Severn river known as


the "Severn Bridge," and to provide, by the issuance of bonds,


the means for making said repairs ............................


No. 616. An Act to prevent the obstruction of the sidewalks of


the streets, lanes and alleys of Baltimore City, and for that pur-


pose to repeal the paragraph entitled "Buildings," of Section 6,
entitled "General Powers," of Article 4, entitled "City of Balti-


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Session Laws, 1904
Volume 209, Page 1351   View pdf image
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