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Session Laws, 1904
Volume 209, Page 1350   View pdf image
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No. 591. An Act to repeal Sections 281, 294C and 294G of Article


17 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Prince George's


County," sub-title "Roads," and to repeal and re-enact with


amendments Sections 279, 280, 285, 286, 287, 288, 291, 293, 294,


294D and 294E of said Article, and to add a new section there-


to, to immediately follow Section 282, to be designated as Sec-


tion 282 A.....................................................


No. 592. An Act to incorporate the Middletown and Cecilton


Railroad Company............................................


No. 593. An Act to provide for the better protection of sheep,


poultry and game in the Fourth Election District of Queen


Anne's County, and known as Kent Island District, and, if pos-


sible, to make provision for the reduction of the number of dogs


and bitches to a minimum in said Fourth Election District


of Queen Anne's County.....................................


No. 595. An Act to refund to Lewis M. Milbourne, bondsman of


Hamson Bundick, twenty-three dollars and twenty-five cents,


being the amount paid by said Milbourne to the sheriff of Som-


erset County when said Bundick forfeited his recognizance......


No. 596. An Act to lay out and establish a new election district


in Frederick County out of portions of Woodsborough District,


of Election District No. n, and Mount Pleasant District, or


Election District No. 13, to be called Walkersville District, or


Election District No.— ......................................


No. 597. An Act to incorporate the town of Hillsboro, Caroline


County, Maryland............................................


No. 598. An Act to repeal Section 46 of Article 72 of the Code of


Public Local Laws, title "Oysters," as amended by Acts of the


General Assembly of Maryland, 1894, so far as the same ap-


plied to the Patuxent river, and to enact in lieu thereof........


No. 599. An Act to incorporate the Riverton Telephone Company


No. 600. An Act to prohibit the granting of license for the sale of


spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer in any part of the


district of Baltimore City bounded by Twentieth street, Oak


street, Twenty-fourth street, St. Paul street, Huntingdon ave-


nue and Guilford avenue......................................


No. 601. An Act to incorporate the Broad Cove Oyster and Fish


Propagating' and Experimental Company.....................


No. 602. An Act to incorporate the town of Barton, Allegany


County, Maryland............................................


No. 603. An Act to legalize primary elections in Anne Arundel


County .....................................................


No. 604, An Act to incorporate the Phoenix Bank of Maryland...



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Session Laws, 1904
Volume 209, Page 1350   View pdf image
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