whether the same shall be done by contract or otherwise, and,
if by contract, the manner of letting same shall be discretionary.
293. When a contractor shall notify the superintendent of
roads that a road or bridge is completed, at least one County
Road Commissioner, or trustee, and the superintendent shall
To inspect the
inspect the work, and if, in their judgment, it has been con-
structed in accordance with the plans and specifications, the
same shall be reported to the Board of County Road Commis-
sioners, and upon the acceptance by said Board of such report,
said road or bridge shall be opened for public travel, and then,
and not before, the contractor shall be entitled to receive the
last instalment due thereon.
294. The County Road Commissioners are authorized and
required to purchase such tools, implements and machines as,
New modern
road ma-
in their judgment, including at least three new modern road
machines, may be necessary for the purpose of building and
repairing such public roads.
294D. The Board of District Road Trustees shall have the
care of the public roads within their respective districts, and all
implements, tools, machinery and material thereto belonging.
They shall attend to all repairs needed upon said roads, and,
in connection therewith, make all necessary disbursements by
orders on the Board of County Road Commissioners, and em-
ploy all necessary labor, teams, implements and road machines,
To call on su-
which latter must be worked by skilled men. They may call
upon the superintendent for any advice or assistance needed in
for advice.
the performance of their duties. They shall not exceed the sum
of money appropriated to them by the Board of County Road
Commissioners, and shall keep an accurate record of their ac-
tions, of which a full report shall be made by them to the Board
of County Road Commissioners on or before the first day of
November of each year, supported by an affidavit to the truth
294E. It shall be lawful for the Board of County Road Com-
missioners, in their discretion, to require all persons who may
License for
engage in hauling timber in Prince George's County for com-
hauling tim-
mercial purposes, between the first day of December of any
year and the first day of May following, to pay a license not
exceeding the sum of five dollars per month for each team ; and
if the said license shall be imposed, all money derived there-
from shall be applied to the county road fund. If the Board
of County Road Commissioners shall impose such a license,
any person neglecting or refusing to procure the same shall be