Prince George's County shall pay over to said County Road
Commissioners the money received from liquor license under
Section 252 of Article 17 of the Code of Public Local Laws ;
the Board of County Road Commissioners shall deposit all
To deposit all
funds under its control in some safe national bank, subject to
its check when signed by all of its members.
287. The Board of County Road Commissioners shall ap-
portion the fund levied for the annual repair and reconstruction
of roads and bridges as follows: One-fourth thereof for the
for roads and
repairs and reconstruction of public bridges, including culverts ;
two-fourths thereof for the repair of public roads ; and from the
remaining one-fourth thereof said Board shall pay to the
proper authorities of each incorporated town in the county
three-fourths of such part of said road and bridge tax as may
be realized from the property within the limits of their re-
spective towns, and the balance thereof shall be used by said
Board upon said public roads, after the payment of per diem
of said Board of Road Commissioners and the legitimate ex-
penses of said Board.
288. The Board of County Road Commissioners shall use all
the funds received from liquor licenses upon the public high-
Liquor license
ways of the county ; provided, however, that authority is hereby
funds to be
used on high-
given to use this fund as a county contribution in connection
with any State or national appropriation for highways; pro-
vided further, that the incorporated towns in Prince George's
County shall receive back from the Board 'of County Commis-
sioners, the Board of Road Commissioners or the treasurer of
said county, as the case may be, one-half of the funds derived
from liquor licenses issued to persons dealing in liquor within
the limits of said town.
291. The road superintendent shall have exclusive charge of
all bridges and the building and repairs of same. All bridges
Road superin-
tendent to
shall be built or repaired by contract, and the Board of County
have exclu-
sive charge of
Road Commissioners shall advertise in one or more news-
papers, setting forth the place where said bridge is to be built
or repaired, with general specifications of the plan and mate-
rials, and that sealed proposals for building or repairing said
bridge will be received until a day named in the advertisement ;
provided, however, that nothing herein shall apply to the build-
ing of bridges the cost of which shall not exceed two hundred
dollars, nor to repairs of existing bridges when the cost of re-
pairs shall not exceed that sum; and in cases where such cost
of building or repairing shall not exceed said sum of two hun-
dred dollars, the manner of providing for said work and