Volume 208, Page 118 View pdf image (33K) |
1860. of Kentucky had received Eight votes for President of the United States from and after the third day of March next ensuing, being the whole number to which the State of Maryland is entitled. On motion of Mr. Vansant the Electors proceeded to ballot for Vice President of the United States. Mr. Vansant nominated Joseph Lane of the State of Oregon. Whereupon the ballots of the Electors were deposited in the Ballot Box, which was sealed and delivered by the President to Messrs Scott and Vansant, who on counting the ballots in the presence of the Electors, reported there had been Eight Ballots cast, all of which were for Joseph Lane. Whereupon it was declared by the Secretary that Joseph Lane of Oregon had received Eight votes for Vice President of the United States from and after the third day of March next ensuing, being the whole number to which the State of Maryland is entitled. The President laid before the Electors a sealed Communication from His Excellency Thomas N. Hicks, Governor of Maryland covering three certificates of the election of the Electors which was read and laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Franklin the secretary was directed to prepare the usual forms of certificates for the signature of the Elector. Whereupon the secretary prepared three several certificates agreeably to the following form. We the undersigned duly elected Electors of President and Vice President of the United States of America, and for the State of Maryland (as will fully appear by reference to the annexed Document being the certificate furnished by the Executive authority of the State of Maryland) do hereby certify that on the first Wednesday in December in the year Eighteen hundred and sixty, we met at the City of Annapolis in the said State being the place where by the laws of the state of Maryland the Electors of President and Vice President of the United States on the part of said state, are directed to meet and perform the trust reposed in them, and that then and there, having duly qualified and organized John C. Breckenridge of the State of Kentucky was put in nomination for President of the United States of America for the four years from and after the third day of March, ensuing, that we then and there in pursuance of the Constitution and Laws of the United States proceeded to vote by ballots for President of the United States of America, and on counting the ballots, it was ascertained that John C. Breckenridge of the State of Kentucky received Eight votes for President of the United States of America, that then and there Joseph Lane, of the State of Oregon and put in nomination for Vice |
Volume 208, Page 118 View pdf image (33K) |
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