Forfeiture in
case of fraud,
&c. |
this state, Be it enacted, That
if any tobacco not inspected and passed
agreeably to this act, or of the act, entitled, An act for the regulation
the staple of tobacco, shall be found on board any vessel, laying along
or at anchor near any vessel receiving tobacco for exportation out of this
state, such act shall be evidence of fraud and a design to export the same
contrary to this act, and all such tobacco found on board such vessel shall
be forfeited, together with such vessel, and may be seized by any person,
and if he shall be sued for such seizure, he may give this act and the
matter in evidence; and if it shall appear that such seizure is made
for breach of this law, the court before whom such suit is tried, shall
the jury to find for the defendant, for whom they shall find accordingly,
and thereupon the property of the vessel and tobacco seized, shall
be vested in the defendant. |
Inspectors to
take the oath
of fidelity, &c. |
XV. And be it
enacted, That if any person appointed an inspector hath
not heretofore taken the oaths, or affirmation, as the case may be, of
and support to this state, and subscribed a declaration of his belief in
the christian religion, such person, before he acts as inspector, shall
the oaths or affirmations, as the case may be, directed by the constitution,
and the oath or affirmation prescribed by the act to punish certain crimes
and misdemeanors, and to prevent the growth of toryism, and subscribe a
declaration of his belief in the christian religion, under the penalty
of one
hundred pounds current money; which oaths or affirmations any justice
of the peace may administer. |
Oath of inspectors. |
XVI. And be
it enacted, That every inspector, before he acts as such,
shall, under the penalty of one hundred pounds current money, take the
following oath, or affirmation, of office, as the case may be, to wit,
" I,
A. B. do swear, or solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm, that
I will diligently and carefully uncase, break and examine, all tobacco
brought to any public warehouse where I am appointed to be inspector,
and all other tobacco I shall be called upon to view and inspect, and that
I will not receive any tobacco that is not in my judgment and conscience
sound, clean, unmixed with trash or bad tobacco, in good order and condition,
and merchantable, and that I will not receive, pass or stamp, any
hogshead of tobacco prohibited by an act of assembly, entitled, An act
prevent the exportation of unmerchantable tobacco, and that I will receive,
pass, stamp and brand, all tobacco that is in my judgment and
conscience sound, clean, unmixed with trash or bad tobacco, in good order
and condition, and merchantable, and that I will in all things well
and faithfully discharge my duty in the office of an inspector, according
to the best of my skill and judgment, and according to the directions of
said act, without fear, favour, affection, malice or partiality.
So help me
God;" which oath or affirmation any justice of the peace may
administer. |
Who are to
enter into
bond, &c. |
XVII. And be
it enacted, That every inspector, before he executes any
part of his duty under this act, shall, under the penalty of three hundred
pounds current money, enter into bond before one or more of the said
commissioners of the tax for his county, with good and sufficient securities,
having property within the state assessed to one thousand pounds current
money such as the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall
approve, in the penalty of one thousand pounds current money, payable
to the state, with condition, that he will diligently and carefully uncase,
break, view and examine, all tobacco brought to any public warehouse
where he is appointed to be inspector, and all other tobacco he shall be
called upon to view and inspect, and that he will not receive, pass, stamp
or brand, any tobacco, or hogshead of tobacco, prohibited by an act of
assembly, entitled, An act to prevent the exportation of unmerchantable
tobacco, and that he will in all things well and faithfully execute and
discharge |