Oath of commissioner,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That every commissioner, before he votes for
any public warehouse, or for any person as inspector, shall take an oath,
or affirmation, as the case may be, (which any one of the said commissioners
may administer,) that he will, without favour, affection, partiality
or prejudice, appoint such place and public warehouse for the receipt and
inspection of tobacco in his county, as he in his judgment and conscience
believes most proper for that purpose; and that he will nominate and recommend
such person to be inspector, as he shall in his judgment and
conscience believe well skilled in the curing and packing tobacco, and
order, condition, and quality thereof, and well qualified and capable,
his integrity, reputation and diligence, to execute and discharge the
and duty of an inspector; and every commissioner, on voting for any public
warehouse to be fixed or built at any particular place, or for any inspector
or inspectors, for the inspecting, safe keeping, and delivering of tobacco
at the said warehouse, shall declare in writing in a book to be kept
by the clerk of the said commissioners for that purpose only, his choice
such warehouse, and of the name or names of the inspector or inspectors,
for whom he hath voted, and shall subscribe his name to the said declaration
in writing, and the said commissioners shall immediately thereafter
deliver a copy thereof, under their hands, to the sheriff of their county,
who shall forthwith transmit the same to the governor, who, with the
advice of the council, is hereby authorised and requested to appoint and
commission two persons out of the five, or one person out of the three,
recommended as before directed, to be inspector or inspectors, as the case
may require. |
Penalty on
for neglect,
&c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That every commissioner who shall neglect
(not being prevented by sickness, or some other unavoidable accident,)
meet according to the directions of this act to appoint public warehouses,
or to nominate and recommend inspectors as directed by this act, or being
met, shall neglect to appoint warehouses, or to nominate and recommend
inspectors, in pursuance of this act, shall forfeit and pay the sum of
pounds current money for every such neglect. |
Who are not
to be appointed
inspectors. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That no member of the general assembly, or
the council, clergyman, practising attorney or physician, sheriff, clerk
of the
general, or any county court, or any commissioner of the tax, shall be
or appointed an inspector. |
How vacancies
are to be
filled. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That if any inspector shall refuse to act, or after
acceptance shall resign, die, remove out of the county, or be rendered
incapable to act, the governor, with the advice of the council, is hereby
authorised and requested to appoint and commission any other person mentioned
in the last recommendation from the commissioners of the tax, in
the place of the person who shall refuse, resign, die, remove, or be incapable
to act, for the residue of the year, and if it should happen that so
many of the persons recommended should refuse, die, resign, remove, or
be incapable to act, so as not to leave a choice out of such recommendation,
the governor, with the advice of the council, is hereby authorised
and requested to appoint and commission such person as they may think
proper for the residue of the year. |
What vessels
shall not be
cleared out,
&c. |
X. And be it
enacted, That no vessel of less burthen than eighty-five
tons, and having tobacco on board, shall be cleared out at any naval office
for any port or place in Europe. |
No vessel shall
be cleared out,
unless navigated
by citizens,
&c. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That no vessel, if owned by any citizen of this
state, and having tobacco on board, shall be cleared out at any naval office
for any port or place in Europe, unless navigated by the master or |