GEORGE PLATER, Esquire, Governor.
of the said lots, such person or persons paying such composition money
as the original settlers were to pay for the same. |
III. And,
whereas some of the said settlers have not paid any part of the valuation
heretofore made by the said commissioners appointed to value said lots,
it enacted, That if any such settler
shall not, on or before the first day of May
next, pay to the treasurer of the western shore one third at least of the
of the valuation of the land occupied by him or her at the time of
the valuation,
the same shall and may forthwith be sold and disposed of within the
where the property lies, by a fit and proper person, to be appointed by
governor and the council, at public or private sale, as may be thought
advantageous to the state, at not less than five shillings per acre;
and the person
so appointed shall take bond, with approved security, for the purchaser
to pay
one third thereof on or before the first day of September next, one other
third on
or before the first day of September, seventeen hundred and ninety-three,
the remaining third in twelve months thereafter, with interest on the whole. |
If the settle
do not pay,
land to be
sold, &c. |
IV. And,
whereas there are settlers on other lots than those heretofore disposed
of, Be it enacted, That the person
so to be appointed be and he is hereby
authorised to sell and dispose of, within the county where the property
lies, all
such lots, giving a preference to those who at present occupy the same,
at not
less than three shillings and nine-pence per acre, the purchaser
giving bond, with
approved security, payable as aforesaid. |
Person authorised
to sell,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the person to be appointed as aforesaid may sell
and dispose of, within the county where the property lies, all the surplus
heretofore appropriated, at public or private sale, at not less than one
and eight-pence per acre, and shall take bonds, with approved security,
as aforesaid. |
Surplus lots to
be sold, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the register of the land-office be and he is hereby
directed to issue a patent to any of the settlers before mentioned
who shall have
complied with his contract, including all such lots as may be contiguous
to each
other in one patent. |
Register to issue
&c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That there shall be allowed and paid to the person to
be appointed as aforesaid to sell the lands, ten per cent. on the
amount of the
property sold, and for which bonds, with approved security, shall be taken
lodged in the treasury. |
allowed, &c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That all vacant lands in the said county may hereafter
be taken up by common or special warrant, or warrant of resurvey, in the
usual manner, at two shillings and six-pence current money per acre,
one half to
be paid at the time of obtaining the warrant, and the other half on the
return of
the certificate; provided, that all warrants already issued shall be compounded
on agreeably to the law under which they were respectively obtained. |
Vacant land
may be taken
up, &c. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That all bonds, taken in consequence of this act, shall
be a lien on the lands of the obligors from the date thereof. |
Bonds to be a
lien. |
An ACT concerning the bank stock. |
Passed December
29. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by Samuel Chase,
Esquire, agent and trustee respecting the said stock, that on obtaining
a decree in the chancery court of Great-Britain for the said stock,
and an assignment and transfer thereof, the power to sell the stock and
the money arising from the sales thereof, or to lodge the same in some
hands, and the execution of other duties vested in and required of him
by law
and his instructions, cannot be performed but in person only, and therefore
he must go to London for these purposes; and the said Samuel Chase having
requested |
Preamble. |