pass to enable any seven or more visitors of governors, if chosen on
before the first day of March next, together with any four or more of
the said agents, to do and perform all such acts and things, as by the
for founding the said college might have been done and performed, if
seven or more visitors and governors had been chosen on or before the
first day of June last; and also to enable nine visitors and governors
to do
all such acts and things as thirteen visitors and governors might have
for the founding the said college, if they had been chosen before the
first day of June last; and it appears to this general assembly reasonable
to grant the prayer of the said petition; |
II. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That any seven
or more visitors and governors of the said college, if chosen on or before
the first day of March next, together with any four or more of the agents,
appointed in virtue of the said act, shall be, and hereby are authorised
and directed, to do and perform all such acts and things, as by the act
founding the said college might have been done and performed if seven
or more visitors and governors had been chosen on or before the first day
of June last. |
Seven visitors
&c. may act,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That any nine visitors and governors, chosen
and elected agreeably to the said act, shall be, and hereby are, authorised
and directed, to do and perform all such acts and things, as thirteen visitors
and governors might have done by virtue of the said act, if they had
been chosen before the said first day of June last. |
Nine visitors
may do such
acts as thirteen
could, &c. |
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for establishing a
company for opening and extending the navigation of
river Patowmack. |
WHEREAS the president and directors of the Patowmack
by their humble petition to this general assembly, and
the general assembly of the commonwealth of Virginia, on
behalf of the said company, have set forth, that in pursuance of the acts
of assembly of the commonwealth of Virginia, and this state, entitled,
An act for establishing a company for opening and extending the navigation
of the river Patowmack, they purpose to make a canal on one
level, to be supplied by the current of the river from a little above the
Great Falls of Patowmack, to a convenient place below those Falls, where
they design to effect a communication with the bed of the river by connected
locks, and that they are under the strongest impressions, if any
canal and locks should be found necessary or useful at the Little Falls
the said river, that another such cut on one level, and a waste of the
whole Fall by a set of locks at tide water, will be preferable there on
every account; and that as the depth of the water in such canals will be
increased on the rise of the water in the river, so as to permit an easy
passage for all such boats and rafts as can pass in the river, even less
two feet depth of water in the said canals in dry seasons, with the certain
necessary increase on the rise of the river, will be fully sufficient,
of the four feet required by the said acts, to answer all useful purposes,
that cutting the said canals four feet below the level of the water in
seasons, will very greatly and uselessly enhance the expence of the
occasion considerable delay in the work, and render it in a degree less
secure; and have therefore prayed, that acts of both assemblies may
pass, making it necessary that such canals contain two only, instead of
four feet required by the said acts, or that if the level should be broke
locks placed a part from each other, that the first level may necessarily |
Preamble. |