I. |
transport to their own state the produce of such lands, or to remove
effects, free from any duty, tax, or charge whatsoever, for the liberty
remove such produce or effects. Thirteenth, These articles shall
be laid
before the legislatures of Virginia and Maryland, and their approbation
being obtained, shall be confirmed and ratified by a law of each state,
never to be repealed or altered by either without the consent of the other.
And whereas this general assembly are of opinion, that the said compact
is made on just and mutual principles, for the true interest of both governments,
and if executed with good faith, will perpetuate harmony,
friendship and good offices, between the two states, so essential to the
prosperity and happiness of their people; |
Compact approved,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the said
compact is hereby approved, confirmed and ratified, and that as soon as
the said compact shall be approved, confirmed and ratified, by the general
assembly of the commonwealth of Virginia, thereupon, and immediately
thereafter, every article, clause, matter and thing, in the same
compact contained, shall be obligatory on this state and the citizens
thereof, and shall be for ever faithfully and inviolably observed and kept
by this government, and all its citizens, according to the true intent
meaning of the said compact; and the faith and honour of this state is
hereby solemnly pledged and engaged to the general assembly of the commonwealth
of Virginia, and the government and citizens thereof, that
this law shall never be repealed or altered by the legislature of this
without the consent of the government of Virginia. |
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for founding a
college on the western shore of this state, and constituting
the same, together with Washington college on the eastern
shore, into one university, by the name of The University
of Maryland. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the visitors and governors elect, and the
for founding the college on the western shore, by their petition
to this general assembly did set forth, That by the sixth
section of the act for founding a college on the western shore of this
state, the number of visitors and governors (of the same) that might be
chosen on or before the first day of June last, if seven or more, together
with the agents in the said act named, by seven on the whole agreeing,
are constituted a board or quorum for certain persons and things essentially
necessary towards the founding and beginning the said college, and
the carrying into speedy execution the laudable intentions of the contributors
to the same, and of the legislature of this state; but that the large
sum of one thousand pounds subscription being required to form a class
the election of every single visitor and governor (being double the sum
required on founding the easter shore college,) and six weeks notice
in the news-papers, after lodging the original subscription papers in the
treasury of the western shore, being also requisite, before the agents
proceed to hold the elections; it hath unavoidably so happened, that notwithstanding
a sufficient sum for the elections of more than seven visitors
and governors, (viz. upwards of nine thousand pounds,) hath for some
time past been subscribed in the different counties of this shore, upon
the whole, yet it hath not been practicable for the agents to collect and
deliver into the treasury the subscription papers, (especially from the
counties,) so as to accomplish the election of seven or more visitors and
governors in the time proposed by law; and prayed, that an act might |