Justices to levy
money, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices
of Baltimore county, are hereby authorised and required, to assess
levy, at their next March court, a sum not exceeding one thousand pounds
current money, on the taxable property in said county, with the collector's
commission of four per centum for collecting the same, which said
assessment, so as aforesaid to be made and levied, shall be collected
by the
public collector of said county, in the same manner as other public
taxes are by law collected, and the same, when so as aforesaid collected,
shall be paid by the collector to William Russell, Thomas Russell,
Goodwin, Darby Lux, and Samuel Owings, or a majority of them, who
are hereby appointed commissioners for repairing and finishing the
aforesaid, and are authorised and required to receive and apply the
same to finishing and completing the court-house aforesaid. |
And agree
with undertakers,
&c. |
III. And be
it further enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid, or a majority
of them, are hereby authorised and directed, as soon as possible, to
treat and agree with undertakers or workmen to finish the same in a
and substantial manner. |
to compel
a compliance,
&c. |
IV. And,
whereas by the act, entitled, An act for underpinning and
arching the court-house of Baltimore county, in Baltimore-town, and
extension of Calvert street, the justices of Baltimore county were
to take bond with security, to indemnify Baltimore county in case any
damage or injury should be done said court-house by or during the progress
of said work, or in case the said house should fall, or its foundation
be rendered less secure by the said arching and underpinning; Be
it enacted, That the commissioners
aforesaid, or a majority of them, be
and are hereby required and directed, to compel the persons aforesaid,
suit or otherwise, to comply with the condition of their bond; and
damages that the said county have or shall sustain, be applied by said
to repairing and finishing the said court-house, or by them paid
to the justices of the peace for said county, to be applied to the
uses of
said county. |
Passed Mar. 8. |
An ACT to declare and ascertain the right of citizens of this
state to private roads or ways. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the citizens of this state ought to have
a road or
way from their farms and plantations to places of public worship,
to mills, market-towns, public ferries, and court-houses,
and such benefit ought to be enjoyed and exercised with as little possible
injury or damage to the lands through which such private roads or ways
shall pass, |
Citizens ought
to have a
road, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland and it is hereby
declared, That every citizen of this state ought to have a road or
way to
and from their farms and plantations to places of public worship, and
mills, market-towns, public ferries, and court-houses. |
Courts may
direct roads to
be laid out,
&c. |
III. Be it enacted,
That the several county courts in this state, on application,
be authorised and required to direct the surveyor of their county
to lay out any such private road or way, not exceeding sixteen feet
clear of ditches in breadth, and to order such surveyor to lay out the
same, with as little possible damage or injury as may be, and to make
return thereof to the said court; and if any person through whose land
such road may pass, or if the person applying therefor shall object to
running in the manner returned by the surveyor, the said court may make
such order as to the course of the said road as they may think proper;
and |