seventeen hundred and eighty-nine, and after that time any account
not exceeding ten pounds current money in the course of any whole year,
may be proved and received in evidence as aforesaid. |
A Supplement to the act, entitld, An act directing the proceedings
against persons guilty of fornication. |
WHEREAS by the above recited act no direction is
given to
any justice of the peace, by whom a recognizance may be
taken as security to indemnify a county from any charge that
may accrue by means of an illegitimate child, to return such recognizance
to the county court of his county, or to any county clerk to record such
recognizance if so returned, by reason whereof the good citizens of the
several counties of this state are liable, notwithstanding the said act,
become oftentimes burthened with the maintenance of such illegitimate
children; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That every justice
of the peace within this state, by whom any recognizance as aforesaid
may be taken, shall return the same to the next county court to be held
for his county, and that teh clerk of the same court shall, within a reasonable
time after such return, record teh said recognizance among the proceedings
of teh said court; and the several county courts shall, when necessary,
issue such process thereon as may be requisite to indemnify such
county from any charge for te maintenance of such child or children. |
Justice to retur
&c. |
III. And,
to the end that the several counties within this state may
more effectually be secured from the burthen of maintaining illegitimate
children, Be it enacted, That every
constable shall, as often as he may
have knowledge of any free women having an illegitimat child within
his hundred, make information thereof to the next, or some justice of the
peace for his county; upon which information, or the matter coming to
his own knowledge, such justice is hereby required to proceed as by the
act above recited, and this act, is directed. |
Constable to
make information,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That two acts of assembly, made, teh one at a
session of assembly, begun and held at the city of Annapolis in the year
seventeen hundred and fifteen, entitled, An act for punishing the offences
of adultery and fornication, the other, at a session of assembly, begun
and held at the city of Annapolis the twenty-fourth day of May, in the
year seventeen hundred and forty-nine, entitled, An act for taking off
punishment inflicted on females having base born children, and other
purposes therein mentioned, so far as the said acts respect the proceedings
against persons guilty of fornication, be, and are hereby repealed. |
Part of two
acts repealed. |
An ACT to empower the justices of Baltimore county, to
assess and levy a sum of money on said county to finish
building of the court-house in said county. |
Passed Mar. 8. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
the court-house in Baltimore county is not finished in such
manner as to hold the coutrs and elections therein, and that
the records and public papers are in great danger of being destroyed for
want of a safe repository to contain them, and that the county is at a
expence in renting houses for holding courts and elections, and to keep
the records, and that unless the said court-house is finished the same
go to ruin; therefore, |
Preamble. |