GEORGE PLATER, Esquire, Governor.
bricks by themselves, and stock bricks by themselves, and place bricks
shall be
not less than nine inches long, and two inches and an half thick, and four
and a quarter wide, and stock bricks shall be of the same dimensions as
to the
length and breadth, and one eighth of an inch thicker; and if any person
burn any bricks for sale as aforesaid, in any other manner than before
or of less dimensions than before prescribed, such person shall forfeit
all bricks
by him burnt in any other manner, or of less dimensions, and also thirty
current money for every one thousand bricks burnt by him in any other manner,
or made by him of less dimensions, contrary to this act. |
II. And be it
enacted, That after the first day of November next all earth for
making bricks for sale within the said city, or within five miles thereof,
shall be
dug and turned up between the first day of October and the first day of
and no part of the earth so dug and turned up shall be made into bricks
after the first day of April, and no bricks shall be made for sale within
the said
city, or within five miles thereof, but between the first day of April
and the
first day of November; and if any person shall make any bricks for sale
aforesaid but between the first day of April and the first day of
November, and
if any person shall make any bricks for sale as aforesaid, of earth not
dug and
turned up between the days above limited, or shall make any bricks
for sale but
between the days above expressed, such person shall forfeit all bricks
by him so
made, and also thirty shillings current money for every thousand bricks
by him
made contrary to this act. |
Earth to be
dug up between
March, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That it shall be lawful for any person to seize, take
and carry away, all bricks made contrary to, and forfeited by, this act,
and if
sued therefor he may plead the general issue, and give this act and the
matter in evidence. |
Bricks may be
seized, &c. |
An ACT to continue and amend an act, entitled, An act for the
more effectual punishment of criminals. |
Passed December
27. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That an act, entitled,
An act for the more effectual punishment of criminals, passed at November
session, seventeen hundred and eighty-nine, so far as the same is not
altered or amended by this act, shall be and is hereby continued, and shall
in full force for one year, and until the end of the next session of
thereafter. |
An act continued. |
II. And be it
enacted, That the governor and council be authorised and requested,
instead of the commission directed to be issued by the said act, to issue
commission to one person of integrity, experience, and found legal knowledge,
(who shall reside in Baltimore county, and be styled in the commission
Justice of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery for Baltimore
County,) and to four other persons of integrity, experience and knowledge,
residents of the said county for six months next before their appointment,
shall be styled in the commission Associate Justices of the said court;)
and the
said chef justice and associate justices shall hold their commissions during
behaviour, and may be removed for misbehaviour in the same manner as the
chancellor or the judges may be removed agreeably to the constitution of
state, and not otherwise; and the said chief justice and four associate
justices, or
any two of them, or the chief justice alone, shall constitute the court
of oyer
and terminer and gaol delivery erected and established in Baltimore
county in
virtue of the act for the more effectual punishment of criminals, and shall
possess and execute, the same jurisdiction, power and duties, as are vested
in, or
required of, the said court by the said act, and any one of the said associate
justices shall have, possess and execute, the same jurisdiction and power,
when in
court, as is given to and vested in any one justice, in court sitting,
in virtue of
the said act; and the said chief justice and four associate justices, or
any two of
them, out of court, shall have, possess and execute, the said jurisdiction,
power |
&c. to issue a
commission to
one person,
&c. |