GEORGE PLATER, Esquire, Governor.
alderman of the corporation of George-town, and recorded in the office
of the
clerk for recording deeds herein created ,within six calendar months
from the
time of acknowledgment as aforesaid; and if, within two years after
the last of
the work is done, he proceeds in equity, he shall have remedy as upon a
or if he proceeds at law within the same time, he may have execution
against the house and land, in whose hands soever the same may be; but
remedy shall be considered as additional only, nor shall, as to the land,
place of any legal incumbrance made prior to the commencement of such claim. |
XLV. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That the treasurer of the western shore be empowered
and required to pay the seventy-two thousand dollars agreed to be advanced
the president by resolutions of the last session of assembly, in sums as
same may come to his hands, on the appointed funds, without waiting for
day appointed for the payment thereof. |
Treasurer to
ay the
72,000 dollars,
&c. |
XII. And be
it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid for the time being,
or any two of them, shall, from time to time, until congress shall exercise
jurisdiction and government within the said territory, have power to
license the
building of wharfs in the waters of Patowmack and the Eastern Branch,
adjoining the said city, of the materials, in the manner, and of the extent
, they
may judge durable, convenient, and agreeing with general order; but no
shall be granted to one to build a wharf before the land of another, nor
shall any
wharf be built in the said waters without licence as aforesaid; and if
wharf shall be built without such licence, or different therefrom,
the same is
hereby declared a common nuisance; they may also, from time to time,
regulations for the discharge and laying of ballast from ships or vessels
lying in
Patowmack river, above the lower line of the said territory and George-town,
and from ships and vessels lying in the Eastern Branch; they may also,
time to time, make regulations for landing and laying materials for building
said city, for disposing and laying earth which may be dug out of the
cellars and foundations, and for ascertaining the thickness of the walls
of houses,
and to enforce the observance of all such regulations, by appointing penalties
a breach of any one of them, not exceeding ten pounds current money,
may be recovered in the name of the said commissioners, by warrant, before
justice of the peace, as in case of small debts, and disposed of as a donation
he purposes of the said act of congress; and the said commissioners, or
any two
of them, may grant licences for retailing distilled spirits within
the limits of the
said city, and suspend or declare the same void; and if any person shall
retail or
sell any distilled spirits, mixed or unmixed, in less quantity than ten
gallons to
the same person, or at the same time actually delivered, he or she shall
forfeit for
every such sale three pounds, to be recovered and applied as aforesaid. |
to licence
the building
of wharfs,
&c. |
XIII. And be
it enacted, That an act of assembly of this state, to condemn
lands, if necessary, for the public buildings of the United States, be
and is
hereby repealed. |
An act repealed. |
An ACT to authorise and empower the justices of Anne-Arundel
county to increase the salaries of the inspectors of
tobacco at
Elk-Ridge Landing warehouse, in said county. |
Passed December
27. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the memorial
of several inspectors in said county, that the salaries now allowed
them are by no means an adequate compensation for the services they
are by law compelled to perform, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Anne-Arundel county, or any three or more of them, shall hereafter be authorised
and empowered, at the time of making their county assessment, to extend
salaries of the inspectors of tobacco at Elk-Ridge Landing warehouse, in
county, beyond the sum now fixed and ascertained by law, if they should
be of |
Justices to extend
&c. |