Account to be
rendered annually,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners shall lay before the
justices of the peace of the county aforesaid, at their levy court
annually, a fair
and distinct account of all the monies by them received and expended for
purpose aforesaid, and the surplus, if any after completing the buildings
shall be applied towards defraying the county charges. |
Passed December
27. |
An ACT for the relief of John Smith Brookes, of Prince-George's
county, one of the securities of Thomas Williams, late
of the public taxes in said county. |
granted to J.
S. Brookes,
&c. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said John
Smith Brookes shall be indulged, as to the payment of the debt due by
him to the state, on the terms and in the manner following; that is to
say, the governor and council are hereby authorised and directed to take
a new
bond from the said John Smith Brookes for the amount of his debt, with
new security as they shall think sufficient, which shall be a lien on the
real property
of the obligors in the same manner as bonds taken under the act passed
November session, in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-nine, entitled,
An act
respecting the debtors and creditors of this state under the act to establish
to secure the payment of the state debt within six years, and for the punctual
payment of the annual interest thereon; and one seventh part of the principal,
and the whole interest thereof, shall be payable on the first day of September
next, and one seventh part of the remainder of the principal, and the
interest, shall be payable yearly, and at the end of every year, to be
from the said first day of September next. |
New bond to
be paid in
same kind of
money, &c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That the principal and interest of the said new bond
shall be payable in the same kind of money, or certificates, that the principal
and interest of the said John Smith Brookes's present bond are respectively
in; and that, upon failure in the payment of either of the said yearly
of the principal or interest of the said new bond, execution may immediately
against the persons or property of the obligors for the amount of the
yearly payments
of principal and interest at that time to be due, and if execution shall
issued against the property of the obligors, the said property may be sold
by virtue
of the said execution. |
Present bond
to be cancelled. |
III. And be
it enacted, That as soon as the said new bond shall be given,
with security as aforesaid, the present bond of the said John Smith Brookes
be cancelled. |
Proviso. |
IV. Provided
always,, That if the said John Smith Brookes shall not give a
new bond, with security as aforesaid, on or before the first day of February
then this act, and every part thereof, shall be void. |
Passed December
27. |
An ACT to empower the trustees of James Scott to execute and
the conveyance therein mentioned. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS Israel Morris, James Bond and Robert Harris,
of Harford
county, by their petition to this general assembly, have set forth,
that by the act of November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-two,
chapter sixteen, James Scot, administrator of Daniel Scott, was empowered
to sell and dispose of part of two tracts of land in Harford county, for
the payment
of the debts of the said Daniel; that in consequence of the aforesaid act
of assembly, the said James Scott sold such parts of the said tracts
of land as
were supposed to be within the courses and limits mentioned in the law,
Aquila Norris, and gave the purchaser possession; that since the sale it
has been
discovered that the expressions of the act do not include all the land
intended to
be sold, and, of consequence, that the seller could not comply with the
terms of
sale; and prayed that a law may pass, empowering the trustees of James
Scott, |