paved, ditched and secured; and the said road, when so laid out and
at the expence of the said John Hasselbach, his heirs or assigns, shall
be approved
of by a majority of the commissioners of review aforesaid, and signed by
and returned to, and recorded among, the records of Baltimore county,
and shall
be deemed and taken to be the public turnpike road of Baltimore county,
subject, in every respect, to such regulations as the present turnpike
road is or
shall be subject to by law. |
In case of disagreement,
jury to be
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That in case the persons interested cannot agree upon
the price or sum to be paid as a compensation for the injury they may sustain
opening the said road, it shall and may be lawful for any justice of
the peace, on
application by any person interested by opening the said road through
his, her, or
their land, to issue his warrant to the sheriff of Baltimore county, commanding
him to summon five freeholders of the county, disinterested as to the matter
dispute, to appear, on a day to be by him appointed, on the premises; and
said freeholders, having first taken an oath that they will, without favour,
or partiality, assess and value the damages sustained by any person
whose land the said road shall pass, taking all circumstances into
shall proceed to value the damages accordingly; which valuation shall be
and conclusive, and shall be paid by the said John Hasselbach, his heirs
assigns. |
When laid
out, owners
may enter,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That as soon as the said road be laid out, opened
and completed, as aforesaid, and approved of by the said commissioners
of review, it
shall and may by lawful for the person or persons who is or are owner
or owners
thereof, to enter upon, enclose, hold and enjoy, as in his and their former
and interest, the land and premises through which the present turnpike
passes, and from which the said road shall be removed by the alteration
directed to be made as aforesaid. |
Passed December
27. |
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the
relief of certain purchasers of confiscated
property. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS Richard Hall, of Cæcil county, has
set forth, by his
petition to this general assembly, that he is in possession of a tract
land, part of the Nottingham Lots, in said county, and that he has
not had in his power to avail himself of the indulgence granted heretofore;
and prayed a further time to comply therewith; therefore, |
R. Hall to
have relief,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Richard Hall,
of Cæcil county, being in possession of a tract of land, part of
the Nottingham
Lot Land, in said county, shall have the same relief as is given to
the purchasers
of said lands by the original act to which this is a supplement; provided
that he
complies with the terms of the said original act on or before the first
day of
September next. |
Chancellor to
have the same
power, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the chancellor shall have the same power, in
this case, to investigate the right of the said Richard Hall, as he would
had under the original act, and according to the true intent thereof. |
Passed December
27. |
An ACT to aid the defects of certain conveyances of lands in
Frederick county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it appears, by the humble petition of William
that heretofore, on the twenty-ninth day of November, seventeen
hundred and fifty-seven, a certain William Young, of Baltimore
county, executed a deed of bargain and sale to a certain Benjamin Arnold,
said county, for the purpose of conveying to him, his heirs and assigns,
a tract
of land called Narrow Bottom, the certificate of which was originally
to the land-office in April, seventeen hundred and fifty, as lying in Baltimore |