GEORGE PLATER, Esquire, Governor.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to streighten and amend
the post-road from Havre-de-Grace
to Baltimore-town. |
Passed December
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition
of John McComas, of Harford county, that in consequence of the
before recited act, the commissioners therein nominated laid out a
part of the said road through his land, and that a jury was summoned to
the damages, who, by reason of a misconception of the law, did not allow
him an
adequate compensation for the injury aforesaid; which allegation is supported
a certificate under the hands of ten of the said jury, setting forth, that
from a
misconstruction of the law under which they acted, they valued the damage
considerably lower than otherwise they would have done; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Harford county court be and they are hereby directed and empowered to issue
their warrant, directed to the sheriff of said county, commanding him to
and return a jury of good and lawful men of his county, not including any
the former jury, to be and appear before one or more justices of the
peace for the
said county, on the premises, at a certain day in the said warrant
which jury, upon their oath, to be administered by some justice of the
shall inquire who is or are the owner or owners of the land over which
the road
runs or passes, and what damages such owner or owners will sustain by reason
and occasion of carrying such road over and through the said land,
and the said
jury are hereby required to consider the convenience and benefit, and the
if any, by reason of such road passing through such land; and the said
sheriff shall return the inquest of the jury, under his and their hands
and seals,
to the justices of the county court aforesaid; and the damages so valued
ascertained, shall be paid in the same manner as directed by the said act
streighten and amend the post-road aforesaid, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Justices to
issue their
warrant, &c. |
An ACT for making an alteration in the turnpike road in Baltimore
county. |
Passed December
27. |
WHEREAS John Hasselbach, of Baltimore county, by
his petition to
this general assembly, hath set forth, that he is the owner and
possessor of a tract of land or parcel of land situate on the old road
from Baltimore to Reister's-town, on which there has been, for several
large and valuable improvements, and that the establishment of the turnpike
Baltimore county has removed the said road from his said property,
by which a
considerable quantity of meadow has been destroyed, a number of lots rendered
totally useless, and his said property materially injured, and the difference
the said roads only about four perches; and prayed that may pass for altering
the turnpike road that the same may pass by his said property; and this
general assembly having thought proper to grant the same. |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said John
Hasselbach, his heirs or assigns, shall be and hereby are authorised and
to lay out and open a road, of the width of the present turnpike road,
for the same at the north-west side of the present turnpike road, and,
at an
angle made in the said road, by the house of Isaac Van Bibber, and running
from thence north twenty-nine degrees west seventeen perches, then north
seventy-one degrees west, by the house of the said John Hasselbach,
to intersect
the present turnpike road in such direction as shall be approved of by
the commissioners
of review under the act of assembly for laying out turnpike roads in
Baltimore county; and the said road, when so laid out and opened, and the
damages herein after directed to be assessed, paid or secured to the individuals
concerned, shall be, by the said John Hasselbach, his heirs or assigns,
and at his
and their expence, well and sufficiently ditched, paved and secured, in
manner as the present turnpike road from Baltimore-town to Hook's-town
is |
J. Hasselbach
to lay out a
road, &c. |