Justices to
meet annually,
&c. |
IV. And,
whereas by the aforesaid act to regulate the inspection of tobacco,
no provision is made for the annual appointment of inspectors, which
appears to have been the intention of the legislature, Be
it enacted, That the
justices of the peace, or any three or more of them for the several counties,
directed under the said act, be authorised and required annually, between
the fifteenth
and twenty-fifth day of January, to meet at the place where their respective
county courts are held, and to nominate inspectors agreeably to the
of the act to regulate the inspection of tobacco; and where the same person
persons are nominated who had the preceding year officiated as inspector
or inspectors,
under commission from the governor, he or they may continue to act
inspector or inspectors without a new commission from the governor,
upon giving
bond as required by the said act, but wherever a person or persons shall
be nominated
by the said justices who has not officiated the preceding year under a
a recommendation shall be made to the governor and council, and a
commission obtained agreeable to the directions of the said act. |
Inspectors to
burn trash,
&c. |
V. And,
whereas by the thirty-first section of the said act to regulate the inspection
of tobacco, no provision is expressly made for the burning or trash tobacco
which may be offered for inspection in parcels, it is therefore hereby
And be it enacted, That the inspector
or inspectors are authorised and required
to burn all unmerchantable and trash tobacco which may be brought and
offered for inspection in parcels of any kind, and that no person be allowed
carry away the said tobacco after having offered it for inspection under
the penalty
of five pounds, to be recovered on information on oath before a single
for the use of the informer. |
Allowance for
packing, &c. |
VI. And,
whereas the price allowed, by the act to regulate the inspection of
tobacco, to the inspectors for finding hogsheads, packing and prizing of
tobacco, is thought by this assembly inadequate to their services, Be
it enacted,
That the several inspectors shall hereafter receive the sum of twenty shillings
money for every hogshead of transfer tobacco so by them packed, prized
coopered, as a full compensation for each hogshead packing, prizing and
any thing in the above act to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Justices, on
application, to
make out an
account, &c. |
VII. Whereas several warehouses within this
state have been rebuilt or repaired
at the expence of the counties, Be it enacted,
That the justices of the the
several counties are hereby directed, on application of any proprietor
of a warehouse,
or his agent, to make out a fair account of all monies advanced for
rebuilding or repairing of any warehouse, and the rent received for all
exported from the same; and on the proprietor, or his agent, paying to
the justices,
for the use of the county, the money that may be justly due for all
as aforesaid, the proprietor shall be vested with the right to such warehouse
in the same manner as if the county had not taken possession thereof. |
Justices of
&c. to make
&c. |
VIII. Be it
enacted, That the justices of Baltimore and Montgomery counties
are authorised to make such allowance to the inspectors in their county,
their services, as they shall think sufficient, (and not exceeding one
pounds to the inspectors of Montgomery county,) and the inspectors at Baltimore-town
warehouse shall constantly attend to inspect tobacco, or deliver the same
exportation, except on Sundays, Christmas, Easter, Whitsuntide, and the
of July, and except such time as may be necessary to settle their accounts
the justices of their respective counties. |
Collectors allowed
penny, &c. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That the collectors at the respective ports be allowed
the sum or one penny for every hogshead of tobacco shipped from his district,
be paid by the shipper at the time of shipping; and that so much of the
section of the act to regulate the inspection of tobacco, as directs the
and council to draw on the justices of the respective counties for one
per hogshead, be repealed. |