JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
IX. And be it
enacted, That every justice shall lodge with the county clerk
of his county, to be by him safely kept, the affidavit or affirmation of
the party
applying for a warrant as aforesaid; and any person wilfully swearing or
falsely in the premises, shall, upon conviction in a court of law, be liable
to the
penalties of wilful and corrupt perjury. |
X. And,
whereas it is just and reasonable that some limitation of time should
be imposed upon the power of collectors to collect the public taxes, in
a summary
manner, Be it enacted, That it shall
not be lawful for any collector of any public
taxes already due or imposed, which collector shall have been heretofore
to collect the same by distress and sale after the first day of January,
seventeen hundred and ninety-two. |
Time limited
for collecting
public taxes
by distress. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any collector of the
two shillings and six-penny fund tax already due, or to arise due in the
seventeen hundred and ninety-one, which collector shall be hereafter appointed,
to collect the same by distress and sale after the expiration of two
years from the
time of his appointment. |
And for the
fund tax. |
XII. Provided
always, That before any clerk shall issue a writ of replevin in
virtue of this act, the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall enter into bond,
with two sufficient
sureties, in double the value of the property to be replevied, in the same
manner as in other cases of replevin. |
Proviso. |
An additional supplement to an act for the relief of sundry insolvent
debtors confined in sundry gaols of this state. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS Joseph Baily and Josias Baily have set forth,
that they have
been confined, for some time past, in the gaol of Harford county, for
debts which they are unable to pay, and have prayed an act of insolvency, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said Joseph
Baily and Josias Baily shall have the same benefit of the act, entitled,
An act for
the relief of sundry insolvent debtors confined in sundry gaols of this
state, passed
at this session, as if their names had been inserted therein, and upon
the same
conditions and restrictions, and under and subject to the same penalties
for any
breach of any matter or thing therein contained, as the persons therein
named. |
Debtors to
have the benefit
of a former
act. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to regulate the inspection
of tobacco, passed November session, seventeen hundred
and eighty-nine. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS several parts of the act, entitled, An act
to regulate the
inspection of tobacco, want explanation, amendments and alterations,
the more easily and effectually to carry into execution the intention of
the said act: And whereas doubts have arisen respecting the construction
of the
second section of the aforesaid act to regulate the inspection of tobacco,
and many
of the good people of this state have thought themselves aggrieved
by the restrictions
therein contained, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
That the said second section of the aforesaid act be and is
hereby repealed. |
Part of an act
repealed. |
III. And be
it enacted, That after the first Monday of February next, no person
shall carry out of the counties where it was made, either by land or water,.
any tobacco, either in casks or parcels of any kind, until it has been
inspected at
some one public warehouse at the next adjacent county. |
No tobacco to
be carried out
of the county,
&c. |