JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
for the same; and every clerk of the senate, or of the house of delegates,
shall refuse or neglect to comply with the directions of this act, shall
forfeit and
pay the sum of twenty pounds current money for every refusal or neglect,
to be
recovered and applied in the same manner as other penalties and forfeitures. |
LI. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the printer of the state for the time being shall,
immediately on the receipt of the said votes and proceedings, and of the
said laws
and resolutions, proceed to print and stitch them in the same manner as
been heretofore accustomed, and shall print and stitch, and pack up,
under the
direction of the governor and council, as many copies thereof as shall
be sufficient
for the following persons and purposes; that is to say, one copy of
the laws and
resolutions, and one copy of the votes and proceedings of each branch of
legislature, for the governor and council, and for each member of the general
assembly; one copy of the laws and resolutions, well bound in blue boards,
four copies of the said votes and proceedings, for the clerk of each respective
county, to be deposited in his office for the use of the county courts,
and for the
inspection and information of the people; one copy of the laws and resolutions
for each of the judges and justices of the peace within this state
and for the attorney-general; one copy of the laws and resolutions for
the register
in chancery, and for the register of wills in each respective county, and
for the
clerk of the general court on the western and eastern shore respectively,
and for
the respective treasurers, to be retained by them for the use of their
offices; and the same shall be packed up by the said printer, and directed
and the said printer shall completely print and stitch, in the manner herein
before mentioned, the number of the copies of the said laws and resolutions,
and of the said votes and proceedings, required by this act, and shall
deposite the
same, carefully packed up, and sealed and directed, in the council-chamber,
the care of the clerk of the council, within the space of sixty days after
receipt of the original copies thereof from the clerks of the respective
houses of
assembly as aforesaid, and shall take a receipt from the clerk of the council
the same; and if the said printer shall neglect or refuse to print, stitch,
pack up
or deposite, the said laws and resolutions, and the said votes and proceedings,
within the time limited by this act as aforesaid, such printer shall forfeit
and pay
the sum of fifty pounds current money for every refusal or neglect, to
be recovered
and applied as aforesaid, and shall moreover forfeit his allowance or salary
as printer of the state |
Laws, &c. to
be printed,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the clerk of the council shall, within the space
of three days after the receipt of the said laws and resolutions, and
of the said
votes and proceedings, from the printer, as aforesaid, endorse each packet
for public service, and subscribe his name, and shall deliver the same
to the sheriff
of Anne-Arundel county, to be forwarded as is herein after mentioned, and
take his receipt for the same, under the penalty of twenty pounds current
for every refusal or neglect. |
Clerk of the
council to deliver
the laws,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the sheriff of each respective county shall and he
is hereby enjoined and required to take care of all public letters and
packets, and
expeditiously convey them, according to their respective directions, to
the next
sheriff of the adjacent county, to be forwarded to the place where the
or persons may reside, or be employed in the transacting the public business;
and if such packets and letters be directed to the governor, or to the
and the council, or to the president of the senate or speaker of the house
of delegates, then the said letters shall be forwarded to the city of Annapolis,
other town or place where the seat of government may be in this state;
and each
sheriff shall endorse on the letter or packet the time of his receipt thereof,
shall give a receipt to the person delivering the same. |
Sheriff to
take care of
public letters,
&c. |
VI. And,
to prevent all excuses and delays in forwarding the laws and other
public letters going from Annapolis to the several counties, Be
it enacted, That
all such public letters and packets shall be taken care of by the several
and expeditiously conveyed, according to their respective directions, in
manner |
How to be
conveyed on
eastern shore,
&c. |