JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
An ACT to enable the justices of Cæcil county court to transcribe
the records and papers therein mentioned. |
Rights vested. |
o WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that in the year
seventeen hundred and seventy-seven the British army took possession
of the record books and other papers belonging to Cæcil county
court, and carried the same to New-York; that on the restoration of
peace, part
of the said records were returned, much abused and defaced, and sundry
were entirely lost, to the great injury and prejudice of the inhabitants
of the said
county; therefore, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Cæcil court shall and they are hereby authorised and required
to cause
all such of the record books and papers, of Cæcil county court,
as have been
defaced or otherwise injured, to be transcribed into new record books
by the clerk
of the said county; and the record so transcribed shall be as good
in law, to all
intents and purposes, as the original records from which they were
transcribed. |
Justices to
cause records
to be transcribed,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the justices of the peace of the said court are
hereby empowered to assess and levy on the said county a sum of money
to defray the costs and charges arising for transcribing the said records
and other
papers in Cæcil county court, in the same manner as other county
charges are
imposed and levied, and out of the said monies to satisfy the said
clerk for his
trouble and expences in performing the duties required by this act. |
And assess the
cost, &c. |
An ACT to confirm and aid certain proceedings of the orphans
court, and register of wills, for Harford county. |
Passed December
21. |
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general
assembly, that the
orphans court of Harford county have neglected to cause an official
seal for their county to be made, as directed by the seventh section
the act of February session, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, entitled,
act to establish orphans courts in the several counties of this state,
and that since
the passage of the said act, letters testamentary, and of administration,
have been
issued by the register of wills for said county, without any official
seal thereto,
and that other official acts have been done by the said court and register
such seal, to the validity of which the same may be necessary; |
Preamble. |
II. And Be it
enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all official
done by the said court, or by the said register, to the validity of which
the affixing
a seal may in law be necessary, shall be and the same are hereby confirmed,
and made as good, valid and effectual, to every intent and purpose, as
if the said
court had caused a seal to be made for their county as directed by
the aforesaid
act of assembly, and such seal, so made, had been duly affixed to such
of the said court and register. |
Acts confirmed,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the justices of the said orphans court, or any
three or more of them, shall cause a seal to be made for the orphans
court of the
said county within the space of three months after the passage of this
act; and if
a seal for such court shall not be made and delivered to the register of
wills of the
said county within the time herein before limited, each and every justice
of the
said court shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten pounds current money
for such
refusal or neglect; and the expence of making the said seal shall be levied
collected as other expences of the county. |
Justice to
cause a seal to
be made, &c. |