XLV. |
and to report a statement of the facts to the chancellor; and the said
so appointed and accepting the trust reposed in them by virtue of this
shall forthwith repair before the chancellor, by whom an oath, or affirmation,
shall be administered to the said commissioners for the faithful execution
of their
trust; and thereupon the said commissioners shall fix upon a time and place
hearing the allegations of the parties, and shall give sufficient notice
thereof, by
public advertisement, for the information of the creditors and all persons
and the said commissioners shall accordingly meet at such time and place,
and then and there hear, receive and examine, by all lawful ways and
means, the
allegations, proofs, books, papers and vouchers, of the parties, and make
distinct report of all and singular the facts appearing in the case, to
the chancellor
with all convenient speed, and the chancellor shall thereupon determine
the truth of the respective allegations; and if it shall appear that the
said Dennis
Griffith hath been guilty of any fraud, embezzlement, or concealment of
property, with design to deceive or injure his creditors, or any of them,
the said Dennis Griffith shall receive no benefit or relief in virtue of
this act; but
if the chancellor shall be of a different opinion, then the said Dennis
shall proceed to relieve himself according to the directions of the act
to which
this is a supplement, in the same manner as if this power had not been
vested in
the chancellor; and each of the said commissioners shall be entitled
to receive
from the property of the said Dennis Griffith, at the rate of twenty shillings
the day for each day they shall be employed in this service. |
Passed December
21. |
An ACT to empower the corporation of the city of Annapolis
to suppress public and excessive gaming. |
Mayor, &c.
may prohibit
gaming, &c. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the mayor, recorder,
aldermen and common-council-men, of the city of Annapolis,
shall be and are hereby authorised and empowered, from time to time,
make and execute any by-law or ordinance for prohibiting, restraining and
punishing, any public and excessive gaming in the said city, and the precincts
thereof. |
Precincts ascertained. |
II. And be it
enacted, That the said precincts, and power of the said corporation,
shall extend to a line drawn south from the head of Dorsey's Creek,
on the
north-west of the said city, at or near the poor-house, to the creek on
south side thereof, called the Spa Creek, and all persons within the said
city, and
said precincts to the extent of said line, shall be subject to the by-laws
or ordinances
of said corporation. |
Passed December
21. |
A further supplementary act to the act, entitled, An act for building
a new church in the city of Annapolis. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that the whole of
the money subscribed for building a new church in the city of Annapolis
has been expended, and the said church remains unfinished;
and it is further represented, that if a new subscription was opened, that
a considerable
sum of money would be subscribed by the citizens of Annapolis, for the
purpose of finishing the said church; therefore, |
New subscription
to be
opened, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Charles Wallace,
James Brice and major John Davidson, or any one of them, be empowered
to open a new subscription for the purpose of finishing the new church
in the city
of Annapolis; and when the said subscription shall be closed, and the money
collected, the said Charles Wallace, James Brice, and John Davidson, or
any of
them, shall proceed to the finishing the said church agreeably to the directions
the original act. |