JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
calls, and interest from the time the calls ought to have been complied
compelling delinquent subscribers to pay interest from the time the
money ought
to have been paid, with the actual expence of notice, and that the
same may be recovered
with, and in the like manner as, the principal; enabling foreigners
to purchase,
subscribe for, and hold shares; changing the place of collection of
tolls at
or near Hook's Falls instead or at or near Payne's Falls; allowing
one third, or
such other proportion as the said assemblies might think reasonable,
of the tolls
payable at the Great Falls on the navigation being completed at and
through the
falls, and thence to tide water, to be henceforth demandable and received
at the
Great Falls, and also at or near the mouth of Watts's Branch, on goods,
or produce, landed at the Great Falls, or at or near the mouth of Watts's
Branch, respectively; and empowering the president and directors to
apply any
part of the capital of the said company, and also the tolls as they
may arise, in
opening, improving and extending, the navigation on the branches of
the sid
river above Seneca; which being thought reasonable, |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said Patowmack
company have and be allowed until the first day of January, one thousand
seven hundred and ninety-five, for making and improving the navigation
the Great Falls and Great Cumberland, and on the same being done in
the manner
prescribed by the original act, shall be entitled to all tolls, profits
and advantages,
as if the same was done within the three years allowed by the same
act. |
Further time
allowed, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That no share in the said company, not already subscribed
for, shall be taken up or filled, but on first paying the full amount
of all
previous calls, with interest from the time the calls ought to have
been complied
with; and that delinquent subscribers and holders of shares shall pay
interest from
the time the money ought to have been paid by them respectively on
any calls
made or to be made, together with the actual expence incurred by the
on serving notice on which to ground a motion for judgment against
such delinquent; and that the interest shall be recovered with, and
in the same
manner as, the principal, and the expence of notice shall be taxed
with the other
costs. |
No share to
be taken up,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That foreigners shall be and are hereby enabled to
subscribe for, purchase, and hold shares in the said company. |
may hold, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the tolls which were granted to be demanded and
received at or near Payne's Falls, may be demanded, collected and received,
at or
near Hook's Falls, in the same manner as they might have been collected
and received
at or near Payne's Falls aforesaid, and in the stead thereof; ad that
third part of such tolls as would be payable at the Great Falls on
the navigation
being completed at and through those falls, and thence to tide water,
may henceforth,
until the whole shall become payable, be demanded, collected and received,
at the Great Falls, and also at some convenient place at or near the
mouth of
Watts's Branch, on all goods, commodities and produce, landed at the
Falls or at or near the mouth of Watts's Branch respectively, and the
same mode
may be pursued for compelling payment thereof, as may be lawfully used
to compel
payment of other tolls to the said company. |
Place of collection
of tolls
changed, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the president and directors of the said company
for the time being may, from time to time, apply any part of the capital
stock of
the said company, and also the tolls as they may arise, in opening,
improving and
extending, the navigation of the branches of the said river above Seneca;
that no such application shall be made until the main river, from tide
water, is
cleared to Fort Cumberland. |
President, &c.
may apply
stock, &c. |
VII. This act to take place and be in force
on a similar act thereto being
passed by the general assembly of Virginia, and not otherwise. |
When to take
place. |