to the sums; commitment, one shilling; releasement, one shilling; attendance
on valuations of orphans estates, per day ten shillings; return thereon,
five shillings;
venire to summons a jury in a forcible entry and detainer, five
taking inquisition and return thereon, twenty shillings; warrant of restitution,
five shillings; taking acknowledgment of any deed, each justice one shilling;
taking any other acknowledgment, one shilling; taking appeal bond, two
taking bail piece to the general court, each justice one shilling and six-pence;
taking bail piece to county court, one shilling and six-pence; a pass,
shilling; certificate of strays, two shillings and six-pence; taking inspectors
bonds, each justice two shillings; probate of county clerks bond, each
two shillings. |
Who are to
take an oath,
&c. |
XXIV. And be
it enacted, That every justice of the peace, or associate justice,
before he acts as such, shall take an oath, that he will not, directly
or indirectly,
receive any greater fee or reward for doing any thing in his office as
of the peace, than what is allowed by this act; and if any associate justice,
justice of the peace, by colour of his office, shall receive any fee
or reward for
any service not specified in this act, or if any associate justice, or
justice of the
peace, shall receive any greater fee or reward for any service mentioned
in this act
than is hereby allowed, he shall forfeit fifty pounds current money for
every such
offence, but such justice shall not be liable to prosecution after twelve
from the time of the offence committed. |
&c. |
XXV. This act to commence on the first day
of March next, and to continue
and be in force for three years. |
Passed December
21. |
An ACT to lay a further tax on Harford county to complete the
public buildings of said county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general
assembly, by the
justices of Harford county court, that the funds heretofore provided
by law for erecting their public buildings have proved insufficient
for the purpose, and that the further sum of five hundred pounds will
be necessary
to complete the said buildings; which sum the sid justices have prayed
they may
be empowered to levy on the property of said county; |
Justices to assess
and levy
money, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Harford county court, at their next meeting after the passage of this act,
be and
they are hereby empowered to assess and levy on the property in said county,
an equal assessment, the sum of five hundred pounds current money, together
with the sheriff's commission for collection; which said sum, so to be
and levied, shall be collected by the sheriff of said county in the
same manner as
the public and county assessments are by law collected, and the same, when
shall, by the said sheriff, be paid to the order of the said justices
in court
sitting, for the purpose of completing the said public buildings. |
Surplus, how
to be applied. |
III. And be
it enacted, That if the aforesaid sum of money should be more
than sufficient to complete the said buildings, the surplus shall be applied
in aid
of the county charge. |
Passed December
23. |
A further supplement to the act for establishing a company for
opening and extending the navigation of the river Patowmack. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the president and directors of the Patowmack
company, by
their humble petition to this general assembly, ad the general assembly
of the commonwealth of Virginia, on behalf of the said company, for
the facts and reasons therein set forth, have prayed, that acts of
the said assemblies
may pass lengthening the time for making and improving the navigation
the Great Falls of the said river; that none of the forty-six shares not
subscribed for, be taken up but on first paying the full amount of the
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