JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
deemed necessary, for any purpose advantageous to the town, by a majority
of the
voters to be summoned and assembled as aforesaid, to impose and levy
on the
property, so directed to be assessed and valued, any sum or sums of
money in equal
and fair proportions, provided the money, so to be imposed and levied,
shall not
exceed, in any one year, the rate of one dollar for every hundred pounds
of property, according to such respective assessments and valuation,
and in the
same proportion upon every greater or smaller share of property; to
appoint and
qualify an active and discreet person, annually, to be the bailiff
of the said town,
and to give him such directions in the execution of his office, as
shall be necessary
to accomplish the intentions of this act; to pay their clerk, and the
bailiff of the
said town, respectively, a reasonable allowance for their services,
to be rated by
the said commissioners on the property aforesaid by equal assessments;
and, generally,
to order and promote such regulations and improvements for the benefit
and advantage of the said town, as the said commissioners, or the inhabitants
thereof, shall determine to be necessary. |
XIV. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That the bailiff of the said town shall be appointed
annually on the first Monday in May, and before he shall proceed to
execute his
office, he shall take an oath, or affirmation, before the said commissioners,
he will faithfully and impartially perform the duties required of him,
as bailiff of
the said town, by this act, according to the bst of his skill and judgment,
without favour, affection or prejudice; and the duties of the said
bailiff shall be
to attend the meetings of the said commissioners, whenever he shall
be required;
to perform such services, for more effectually accomplishing the objects
of this
act, as shall be directed by the said commissioners; to prevent the
and irregular meetings of slaves, negroes, and other dissolute and
disorderly persons,
within the limits of the said town, or if so assembled, to disperse
them by
reasonable and lawful means; and to punish with moderate correction,
such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by the sid commissioners,
such negro and other slaves as shall be found wandering or strolling
about the
streets in the night time, or frequenting the houses of other persons
in the
said town, without the permission or consent of their masters, mistresses
overseers. |
Bailiff to be
appointed annually,
&c. |
X. And,
whereas it has likewise been represented, that the inhabitants of the
said town, and others, are erecting a market-house in a convenient
place therein
appropriated to that purpose; and that if the market thereof were properly
and regulated, it might be rendered useful to themselves, and to the
of the neighbouring counties; Be it therefore
further enacted, by the Authority
aforesaid, That from and after the first Monday of April, in
the year seventeen
hundred and ninety-one, the Tuesday and Saturday in every week shall
thereafter be
set apart, appointed and held, as market-days within the limits of
the said town;
and that all victuals and provisions whatsoever brought to the said
town for sale,
after the said first Monday of April, in the year aforesaid, shall
be taken or carried to
the public market-house of the said town, and there be sold, or offered
for sale,
at the market-hours, which are hereby established to be from any time
in the
morning, of the said days, until twelve o'clock at noon: Provided
always, that
fish or oysters, of beef by the quarter or larger quantity, or pork
by the hog or
hogs, or any kind of grain, flour and bread, or butter in firkins,
or other vessels
exceeding twenty pounds net weight, or cheese, or beef and pork in
barrels or
larger casks, or live cattle, sheep and hogs, respectively brought
to the said town
or market upon the days aforesaid, or on any other days, except Sunday,
may be
sold, bartered, or otherwise disposed of, in the same manner as if
this act had not
been passed. |
set apart, &c. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That if any person shall presume to buy, or cause to
be bought, any article of victuals or provisions, of any other person
or persons
bringing, or having brought, to the said town, or within two miles
thereof, any
kind of victuals or provisions whatsoever for sale, (except the articles
herein before
provided for,) either upon, the stated market-days aforesaid, or on
any other
days, during the time of the market-hours herein before established,
at any other |
Penalty on
persons buying
out of
market, &c. |