XIV. |
certificate thereof to the said commissioners on the day first appointed
for their
meeting, and the same shall be filed and recorded among their proceedings;
at every subsequent election the commissioners of the town, or the major
part of
them, shall be judges of such election, and the proceedings thereof shall
be recorded
under their direction; and every commissioner, before he shall proceed
open an election, shall take an oath or affirmation, that he will faithfully
impartially permit every person to vote at such election, who shall be
qualified to
vote for a commissioner of the said town according to the directions of
this act,
and that he will not suffer any person to vote at such election, who shall
not, in
his judgment, be qualified to vote as aforesaid. |
How vacancies
are to be
filled. |
V. And be it
enacted, That if any vacancy shall happen in the office of one or
more of the commissioners by death, resignation, removal, or otherwise,
it shall be
lawful for the remaining commissioners, and they are hereby required, to
cause an
election to be made at the court-house in the said town, by the inhabitants
and others, qualified to vote as aforesaid, of one or more judicious and
discreet persons,
residents as aforesaid, to supply every such vacancy, during the remainder
the term; and the time of holding such intervening election shall be previously
notified for the space of ten days preceding the election. |
to take an
oath, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That every commissioner to be appointed in pursuance
of this act, before he shall proceed to execute his office, shall take
an oath, or
affirmation, before some justice of the peace, that he will diligently
and faithfully,
according to the best of his judgment, perform the duties of a commissioner
the said town, according to the directions of this act, without favour,
or prejudice; and a certificate of such qualification shall be made and
returned by
such justice of the peace to the said commissioners, to be fled and recorded
their proceedings. |
To meet in
April, &c |
VII. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners, or the major part of them,
shall meet together at the court-house in the said town, or at such other
place, within the limits thereof, as shall be previously notified, on the
first Monday
in April in the ensuing year, and statedly on the first Monday in every
month thereafter, and as much oftener, by adjournment, as they shall judge
to be necessary; and when so assembled, the said commissioners, or the
part of them, shall proceed to execute the several powers and authority
vested in
them by this act, from time to time, as occasions shall require. |
And recommend
&c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners shall be and they are
hereby authorised, empowered and required, to meet as aforesaid, and, from
to time, to recommend such plans and regulations as they shall judge beneficial
to the town, or the inhabitants thereof; to cause to be removed all
nuisances and
obstructions that may interrupt the passage of the said inhabitants,
or others, in the
streets, lanes and alleys, of the said town; to cause the principal or
other streets to
be repaired, improved or paved, whenever a majority of the said inhabitants
reasonably require the same to be done, and sufficient sums of money
can be
raised, by subscription or otherwise, for this salutary purpose; to cause
the inhabitants
and others entitled to vote for commissioners according to this act, to
and to continue registered, and to make such alterations in the register
from time to time, as the increasing number of inhabitants, or other changing
circumstances, shall render necessary; to appoint and qualify a clerk,
whose duty
it shall be to keep fair and faithful minutes of their proceedings, in
proper and
well bound books to be provided by them for that purpose, and to be subject
the inspection and examination of the inhabitants of the said town, and
of all
persons who may be concerned; to cause the persons entitled to vote
as aforesaid,
to be summoned, by public advertisement, to meet at some certain time and
within the limits of the said town, whenever their sentiments may be requisite
upon any extraordinary occasion; to cause a just and fair assessment and
of all the property, real and personal, within the limits of the said town,
to be
made and returned, from time to time, by some skilful and discreet person,
to be
appointed and qualified by them for such occasion, and whenever it shall
be |