&c. to compound,
&c. |
XX. And be it
enacted, That the governor and council be and they are hereby
empowered and directed to compound with all persons who have made discoveries
of confiscated British property since the first day of May, seventeen
hundred and
eighty-seven, or who shall hereafter make discovery in the same manner,
and upon
the same terms and conditions, as prescribed by the act, entitled, An act
empower the governor and council to compound with the discoverers of
property, and for other purposes, passed at November session, seventeen
and eighty-eight, and to sell the same as above mentioned, and the
bonds or money
arising from the sale of the principal and interest of depreciation or
liquidated specie certificates of this state. |
And call upon
persons indebted,
&c. |
XXI. And,
whereas several debts have originated on the sale of confiscated
British property since the consolidating act, which shall remain unsettled;
Be it further enacted, That the
governor and council be and they are
hereby authorised and directed to call upon all persons indebted as aforesaid,
settle and discharge their respective accounts on or before the first day
of August,
seventeen hundred and ninety; and upon their refusal or neglect to settle
make payment, or to instal upon the terms and conditions prescribed in
this act,
to proceed against the said debtors according to law. |
Certain bonds
may be installed,
&c. |
XXII. And be
it enacted, That bonds for confiscated property sold for the redemption
of black state and continental state money, and specie bonds pledged
for the redemption of such monies, may be installed upon the terms and
as bonds for confiscated property under this act. |
Warranty to
be given. |
XXIII. And be
it enacted, That where any sales of property shall be made
by any agent, or other person, in virtue of this act, no other warranty
of title to
such property shall be given than to preclude the future claims of
this state. |
Passed December
25. |
An ACT respecting the settlers on the reserved lands westward of
Fort Cumberland. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented, by sundry settlers westward
of Fort Cumberland,
that the time fixed for them to make their annual payments
is at an inconvenient season of the year; |
Time for payment
&c. |
II. Be it therefore
enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
time allotted for payment for the lands sold to settlers westward of Fort
shall be extended to the first day of May in each year; and the said settlers
shall be allowed until the first of May next to make their first payment;
that nothing in this clause contained shall be construed to affect the
of any other person or persons, acquired since the first day of September
last, to
any of the said lots: And provided also, that any person or persons
who have already,
or may hereafter, proclamate any of the said lots, shall pay such composition
money thereon as the original settlers were to pay for the same. |
Passed December
25. |
An ACT to settle and pay the civil list, and other expences of
civil government. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS those who dedicate their time, abilities
and labour, to the
public, ought to receive a reasonable and adequate compensation for
their services; |
Officers salaries
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the several
officers of civil government, for the time being, shall be entitled to
receive at the
rate of the following salaries, in current money, for the ensuing year,
to wit:
Each member of the council two hundred pounds; the chancellor, as judge
the land-office, one hundred pounds; the treasurer of the western shore
six hundred
pounds; the treasurer of the eastern shore one hundred and fifty pounds; |