and give notice to the attorney-general, who is hereby required to proceed
immediately to the recovery of the said debts in manner aforesaid. |
XVI. And be
it enacted, That the creditors of the state, to whom the funds
created by the consolidating act were pledged, shall receive their interest
on the first day of December. |
Interest to be
received annually,
&c. |
XVII. And be
it enacted, That the debtors in all bonds which were liable to
assignment to the creditors of persons whose estates were confiscated,
or who
were attainted of treason, and of which no assignment has been required
by the
said creditors, shall be entitled to the indulgence of this act, on complying
the terms and conditions herein before prescribed. |
Debtors entitled
to indulgence,
&c. |
whereas no provision hath been made for assessing and collecting
the two shilling and six-penny fund tax for any year subsequent to the
year seventeen
hundred and eighty-eight, Be it further
enacted, by the authority aforesaid,
That all the proceedings of the late commissioners of the tax in such
of the
counties within the state wherein measures have been taken by them for
the collection
of the said tax for the present year, be and the same are hereby made valid
and confirmed; and all bonds executed by any collectors by them appointed
securing the collection thereof, are hereby made effectual, to all intents
and purposes,
and the respective obligors in such bonds mentioned, shall be and are
hereby bound by the terms and tenor thereof, in like manner as if such
had been executed according to any law heretofore made for assessing
and collecting
the said tax, and the said collectors shall be subject to the same rules
and regulations
as are provided by any such law for securing the collection thereof; and
the governor and council are hereby authorised and empowered to appoint
commissioners in each respective county within this state, for assessing
and securing
the collection of the said tax for the two next succeeding years, and
for the present year in such of the counties where no proceedings have
been had,
from a supposed defect of power for collecting the same; and the said commissioners
are hereby authorised and required to meet at the court-houses in their
respective counties, and to take the necessary measures to effect the collection
the said fund tax for the two next succeeding years, and also for the present
in such of the counties where no steps have been taken for this purpose;
and in
the appointment of collectors, and in making the necessary regulations
for the
rules and provisions laid down by the act for raising the supplies for
the year
seventeen hundred and eighty-six, on the valuation of property on which
assessment was levied and collected for that year; and the said commissioners
shall, on application by any person interested, or without such application
they shall have knowledge of the change, make such alterations in the assessment
of that year, as any change of property or time, or other circumstances,
render necessary; and the collectors of the said fund tax, instead of four,
Be allowed six per cent. for the collection. |
of commissioners
valid, &c. |
XIX. And,
whereas there remains a quantity of confiscated British property
which was not sold either by the commissioners for the preservation and
sale of
confiscated British property, or the late intendant or agent of the state:
whereas several discoveries have been made of confiscated property since
the first
day of May, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, but for want of a power
the governor and council to make a composition, the necessary papers cannot
procured, so as to sell the right of the state; therefore, Be
it enacted, That
the governor and council be and they are hereby empowered and directed
to dispose
of all confiscated British property now remaining unsold as aforesaid,
depreciation or liquidated state certificates, to be paid in three equal
yearly payments,
on bonds to be given by the purchaser, with approved security, the property
f principal and security to be bound in the same manner, and under the
limitations, herein before prescribed, and to give notice in the several
within the state, and such other notice as they may think proper, of the
terms and time of sale, and to appoint a proper person to sell the same. |
&c. to dispose
of all confiscated
&c. |