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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 434   View pdf image (33K)
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Passed December

                                LAWS of MARYLAND.

                                            CHAP. XLVI.
An additional supplementary act to an act, entitled, An act for
       enlarging the powers of the high court of chancery.

Preamble.     WHEREAS, by an act, entitled, An act for enlarging the powers of
the high court of chancery, passed at a session of the general assembly
of Maryland begun and held at the city of Annapolis on Monday
the seventh day of November, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five,
full power and authority is given to the chancellor to direct the sale of all lands
in this state held by minors, residents of this state; and it appearing reasonable
and right that lands, lying in this state, belonging to minors, residents of any
other state, should be subject to sale, for the payment of the debts due from the
deceased person, in the same manner as the lands belonging to citizens of this
Chancellor to
direct the sale
of lands, &c.
    II.  Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the chancellor
shall have the same power to direct the sale of lands, lying within this state, belonging
to minors, residents of any other state, for the payments of debts due
from the deceased, as he hath in the case of minors, residents of this state.
Petitioners to
give notice,
    III.  And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the petitioner or petitioners
to the chancellor for the sale of the lands as aforesaid, to give such
notice to the guardian or guardians of minors, nonresidents of this state, in
such manner as the chancellor shall direct.

Passed December
                                            CHAP. XLVII.
An act respecting the debtors and creditors of this state under the
    act to establish funds to secure the payment of the state debt
    within six years, and for the punctual payment of the annual
    interest thereon.
Preamble.     WHEREAS the granting a moderate indulgence to the debtors of the
state, whose debts were, by the consolidating act, made a general
fund, and pledged to the creditors of the state, may preserve many
of the said debtors and their families from ruin, and be, in the end, for the true
interest of the state, and of the said creditors, to whom the public faith and
honour were solemnly pledged;
Governor, &c.
constituted a
board, &c.
    II.  Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the governor
and the council, or any four of them, the governor being one, be and they are
hereby constituted a board for the purposes herein after mentioned, and that the
said board execute all the powers vested in them by this act.
Debtors to pay
by instalments,
    III.  And be it enacted, That every public debtor included in the consolidating
act, who shall accept the indulgence of this act, and comply with the terms
herein after mentioned, may and shall make payment of his debt as follows, that
is to say, one fourth part of the principal thereof in depreciation or other liquidated
state certificates, secured to be paid by the consolidating act, or in specie,
and the interest on the whole of the principal in specie, on or before the first day
of December, seventeen hundred and ninety; one other fourth part of the principal 
thereof in certificates aforesaid, or in specie, and the interest on three
fourths of the whole principal in specie, on or before the first day of December,
seventeen hundred and ninety-one; one other fourth part of the principal thereof
in certificates as aforesaid, or in specie, and interest on one half of the principal
in specie, on or before the first day of December, seventeen hundred and ninety-two;
and the remainder of the principal in certificates as aforesaid, or in specie,
with interest in specie, on or before the first day of December, seventeen hundred
and ninety-three.
And lodge a
writing, &c.
    IV.  And be it enacted, That in order to be entitled to the indulgence granted
by this act, the debtors, if on bond, shall, on or before the first day of August

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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 434   View pdf image (33K)
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