penalty, when received by the said justice, shall be delivered to the
overseers, or
other managers of the poor of the place, for the use of the poor. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That if any person or persons shall adulterate or mix
any improper or unwholesome ingredient in any kind of flour, of which bread
shall be made for sale, in any of the places where the assize shall be
set as aforesaid,
every such person or persons, being thereof legally convicted before any
justice for
the city, town or county, where such bread shall be so made, sold or exposed
sale, who is hereby authorised and empowered to hear, try, and determine
same, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds current money for every
offence, to be applied to and for the use of the poor of the place or county
aforesaid. |
Penalty on
flour, &c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That the clerk of the market, or the person or persons
to be appointed from time to time in virtue of this at, to search for and
seize bread made contrary to the regulations herein before mentioned, shall
the following oath or affirmation: " That they will, to the best
of their skill
and judgment, do and perform all and singular the matters and things
and required of them by the act, entitled, An act to regulate the assize
of bread." |
Oath of persons
appointed. |
IX. And be it
further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the assessors
directed to be appointed by the justices of the peace as aforesaid,
shall remain in
the exercise of such office for the space of one year; and at the expiration
of every
year, it shall and may be lawful for the said justices, or their successors,
at the
next session of their respective courts to be holden thereafter, to appoint
assessors for the purposes intended by this act for the ensuing year, and
so from
year to year as often as it may be necessary to regulate the assize of
bread in any
such city, town or place, within any county of this state; and if any
of the assessors
to be appointed in virtue of this act shall die, remove, refuse, or otherwise
become disabled to act in such office, it shall and may be lawful for any
justices of the peace in any county wherein such vacancy shall happen,
on application
to them made, forthwith to hold a meeting in the city, town or place,
where such assessor shall be necessary, and to appoint another person,
therein, to supply the place of such disabled assessor for the remainder
of the year;
and whereupon the person so appointed shall be authorised, together with
other assessors belonging to such place, to discharge the several duties
required by
this act. |
Assessors to
remain in office
one year,
&c. |
An ACT for the relief of Sarah Hall, of Baltimore county. |
Passed December
19. |
WHEREAS Sarah Hall, the wife of Philip Hall, of
Baltimore county,
by her petition to this general assembly, hath set forth, that she is
now confined in the public gaol of the said county for the fine and
fees incurred on a certain indictment for a forcible entry found against
her in
Baltimore county criminal court, whereof she is convicted, and that she
is unable
to pay the same: And whereas it appears that the imprisonment of
the said
Sarah Hall will be injurious to her persons, on account of her peculiar
and pregnancy, and that she may be liberated therefrom without prejudice
to the
parties interested; therefore, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the sheriff of
Baltimore county be and he is hereby authorised and required forthwith
to liberate
and discharge the person of the said Sarah Hall from the public gaol of
county, and from all confinement for the causes aforesaid; provided nevertheless,
that the property of the said Philip Hall, either in his own right, or
in the
right of his said wife, shall be subject to the payment of the fees aforesaid,
of the fees of her imprisonment, in like manner as other creditors might
and recover their debts from the property of the said Philip Hall, upon
made by his said wife with his consent; provided also, that no process
shall issue
against the property of the said Philip Hall for the said fees, until an
ejectment, |
S. Hall to be
liberated, &c. |