be necessary, to set, ascertain and appoint, in any place or places
within their respective
jurisdictions, the assize and weight of the several sorts of bread
following, which
shall in any such place or places be made for sale, sold or exposed to
sale, and the
price to be paid for the same; and that in every assize of bread which
shall be so set
in pursuance of this act, due regard shall be had, from time to time, to
the market
price which flour, whereof such bread shall be made, shall be sold
at in the cities,
towns or places, in or near the place where such assize shall be so set;
and that
the said assize shall be set and ascertained according to the table
following, in
avoirdupoise weight, of sixteen ounces to the pound: When the price
of fine
flour, middlings and rye flour, by the one hundred and twelve pounds weight,
respectively, shall be seven shillings, then a four-penny loaf shall weigh
pounds five ounces and an half; when seven shillings and six-pence, then
pounds three ounces and an half; when eight shillings, then three pounds
ounces; when eight shillings and six-pence, then three pounds and half
an ounce;
when nine shillings, then two pounds fifteen ounces; when nine shillings
six-pence, then two pounds fourteen ounces; when ten shillings, then two
eleven ounces; when eleven shillings, then two pounds ten ounces; when
shillings and six-pence, then two pounds nine ounces; when twelve shillings,
then two pounds eight ounces; when twelve shillings an six-pence, then
pounds seven ounces; when thirteen shillings, then two pounds six ounces;
when thirteen shillings and six-pence, then two pounds five ounces; when
shillings, then two pounds four ounces; when fourteen shillings and
six pence,
then two pounds three ounces; when fifteen shillings, then two pounds
two ounces and an half; when fifteen shillings and six-pence, then two
one ounce and an half; when sixteen shillings and three-pence, then two
and half an ounce; when seventeen shillings, then one pound fifteen ounces
an half; when seventeen shillings and nine-pence, then one pound fourteen
ounces and an half; when eighteen shillings and six-pence, then one
thirteen ounces and an half; when nineteen shillings and three-pence, then
pound thirteen ounces; when twenty shillings, then one pound twelve ounces
and an half; when twenty shillings and nine-pence, then one pound eleven
ounces and an half; when twenty-one shillings and six-pence, then one pound
ten ounces and an half; when twenty-two shillings and three-pence, then
pound ten ounces; when twenty-three shillings, then one pound nine ounces
and an half; when twenty-four shillings, then one pound eight ounces and
half; when twenty-five shillings, then one pound seven ounces and an half;
so in proportion for loaves of a larger or smaller size. |
II. And,
in order to enable the said assessors, within their respective jurisdictions
to set the assize of bread with justice and equity, Be
it enacted, That
the respective prices which the several kinds of flour fit to make the
said different
sorts of bread allowed to be made by this act, shall commonly and
from time to time, bonâ fide sell for in Baltimore-town and
other places aforesaid,
and not at particular times or on particular contracts only, shall once
in every
month, or oftener if necessary, as the said assessors respectively
shall appoint, be
given and delivered in writing, on oath or affirmation, to the said
assessors, by
the clerk of the market, or such other person or persons, in the places
as the said assessors respectively shall order and appoint, and within
days next after such return of the prices aforesaid, the assize, weight
and price,
of all kinds of bread to be made for sale, sold or exposed to sale, shall,
time to time, be set by the assessors aforesaid, within their respective
and that after the fixing and setting such assize, the same shall, with
all convenient
speed, be made public in such manner as the said assessors shall think
and shall be in force until a new assize shall be fixed and set; but before
advance or reduction shall be made in the weight of bread in any of the
aforesaid, the clerk of the market, or the person or persons appointed
as aforesaid
to give in the prices of flour, shall deliver copies of such return to
two of the
bakers residing within the place for which the same shall be made, with
thereunder written of the time and place of settling the next assize, to
the end
that the bakers of such place may have, from time to time, an opportunity
to |
Price of flour
to be given
once a month,
&c. |