to estimate the value, or fix a reasonable price for the said property,
to compound with the person making discovery and applying to purchase the
same; |
Governor and
council to
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the governor
and council be and they are hereby empowered to compound with all persons
who have made discovery of British property at any time before the first
day of
May, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, and to allow not exceeding
one third
of the value of such property to any person or persons having made such
according to the act to vest certain powers in the governor and council,
passed at November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-five. |
suspended. |
III. WHEREAS sundry collectors of the tax
have been executed, and others
are liable to execution, for the respective balances due from them to the
and it appearing to this general assembly to be repugnant to the dictates
of humanity
and found policy to proceed with the utmost rigour of the law against the
said collectors, and their securities, whereby they, with their families,
will be
involved in the greatest distress, and may be reduced to the most abject
state of
poverty, without producing any substantial advantage to the state:
And whereas
it is reasonable, and accords with good government, that a power should
lodged some where in the recess of the general assembly, to afford relief
in such
cases of extreme hardship as cannot admit of delay, and would merit legislative
interposition; Be it enacted, That
all executions issued against the said collectors,
and their securities, are hereby suspended until the first day of March
next. |
&c. to suspend
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the governor and the council be and they are hereby
authorised to suspend or countermand executions already issued against
the collectors
of the tax, and to prevent executions being sued out against them
respectively. |
Proviso. |
V. Provided
nevertheless, That the said collector or collectors, or their securities,
applying for relief, shall furnish to the governor and council a list,
oath or affirmation, as the case may be, of all persons in their respective
or districts who are in arrears for the said taxes, and if it shall appear
to the governor
and council, that the said arrearages remain in the hands of the people,
and that the said collector or collectors have used their best endeavours
to collect the
same, then, and in such case, the governor and council shall have full
power and
authority to suspend or countermand any execution or executions against
such collector
or collectors, and his or their securities, on his or their proving payment
of one third part of all arrearages since the original execution or executions
have issued against them, and to suspend such execution or executions as
on his or their payment of one other third part of such arrearages within
the space
of three months after his or their application for relief as aforesaid,
and the remaining
one third part of such arrearages within the space of three months thereafter;
and he or they shall produce to the governor and council, at the time of
such application,
a receipt from the treasurer of the western and eastern shore, as the case
be, of their having paid the above respective portions of the said arrearages
the issuing of the said original execution or executions against them respectively,
before his or their application for relief as aforesaid; and all collectors,
and their
securities, against whom no executions have already issued, are hereby
entitled to
the same indulgences, on their proving payment of one third of all arrearages
since the commencement of suits against them, as are extended to the collectors
against whom executions have issued. |
Governor and
council to appoint
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the governor and council shall be authorised
and required, in all cases where executions shall issue to compel payment
any of the debtors of this state, to appoint a person or persons on the
part of the
state to attend the sale of property which may be taken in execution, issued
the instance of the state, and to purchase the same for the use of the
state, if a
sale cannot be otherwise made so as to secure a reasonable price for the
so to be taken; and the governor and council shall be and are hereby authorised |