at all times hereafter, as a public road and highway; and the justices
of Baltimore
county court are hereby required to appoint an overseer over the same,
may, if they think proper, have the same streightened and repaired; and
the said
road, for ever hereafter, shall be considered as a public road of Baltimore
and subject to all regulations and advantages as other public roads in
the said
county are entitled to. |
An ACT to repeal part of an act, entitled, An act for the better
administration of justice, &c. |
Passed December
22. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the third section
of an act, entitled, An act for the better administration of justice
in the high court of chancery, provincial and county courts of this province,
for the more speedy recovery of debts, easy obtaining of executions against
persons from the counties where the judgments were recovered against them,
preventing commissioners, sheriffs, clerks and deputy clerks, to plead
as attornies in
their respective courts to which they belong, and for amerciaments
in the provincial
and county courts, passed at a session of assembly held at the city of
the third day of June, in the year seventeen hundred and fifteen, shall
be and
is hereby suspended for the space of two years from the passage of this
act. |
Part of an act
suspended. |
An ACT to repeal part of an act, entitled, A supplement to the
act, entitled, An act to prevent the exportation of
tobacco. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, that
the price of three
and nine-pence per hogshead for all tobacco to be received at the
warehouse erected in Frederick-town, under the act, entitled, A supplement
to the act, entitled, An act to prevent the exportation of unmerchantable
tobacco, passed in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-five, is extravagant,
the quantity of tobacco carried to the said house for inspection very much
the expectation of the general assembly at the time the said price was
established; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That so much of the
said act of assembly as establishes the warehouse rent for tobacco at Frederick-town
at three shillings and nine-pence per hogshead, shall be and is hereby
and that the proprietor of the warehouse at Frederick-town, shall be and
is hereby vested with full power to levy and receive, from the owner or
owners of
all tobacco to be carried to the said warehouse, the sum of two shillings
and six-pence
current money per hogshead for all tobacco by him received, kept, and
delivered in good order, within one year, and three-pence for every month
he shall take care of said tobacco, after the expiration of said one
until the same shall be delivered in good order, agreeably to the regulation
in the
said act. |
Part of an act
repealed, &c. |
A Supplement to an act for building a new court-house and gaol
in Queen-Anne's
county, and for other purposes. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that the land at
or near the head of Corsica creek, in Queen-Anne's county, has
been purchased for the purpose of building thereon a court-house and
prison for the said county, and the former court-house and prison, and
the land
in Queen's-town belonging to the said county, sold agreeably to the act,
An act for the building a new court-house and gaol in Queen-Anne's county,
and for other purposes therein mentioned, and that some of the commissioners
mentioned in the said act are dead: And whereas it is prayed, that
in addition to
the balance which may be remaining upon the sales of the former court-house
and prison, and said land at Queen's-town, and the purchase of the land
aforesaid |
Preamble. |