XXV. |
III. And,
whereas from the multiplicity of business depending in the said
court, the justices thereof have not been able to hear and determine all
the causes
depending therein within the time limited by law, Be
it enacted, That all pleas,
process and proceedings, had, made and done, in the said court, by the
thereof, in causes which have been continued longer than the time limited
law, shall be adjudged and taken to be good and valid, to all intents
and purposes,
as if the same had been had, made and done, within the time limited by
and that the justices of the same court may, at the next county court to
be held
for the said county, proceed to hear and determine, or further continue,
thereafter hear and determine, the said causes so depending respectively,
as fully
and effectually as they might heretofore have done as by law required,
the said
continuance or continuances, or any other matter or thing, to the contrary
notwithstanding. |
Passed December
22. |
An ACT to enable William Hammond, of Baltimore county, to
erect a floating bridge across Patapsco River, at a
place called
Hammond's Ferry. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by William
Hammond, of Baltimore county, that he is possessed of a ferry on
Patapsco river, which hath been used and enjoyed for many years
past by his predecessors, and that if proper encouragement was give, a
bridge might be erected over the said river, which would greatly facilitate
intercourse to and from the town of Baltimore to many parts of the state:
whereas the said William Hammond hath proposed to erect the said bridge,
of a
sufficient width for carriages to pass and repass at all times and seasons
of the
year, at his own expence, provided a law was passed enabling him to demand
certain toll from all persons passing and repassing the same; and this
general assembly,
being desirous of encouraging such laudable undertakings, have agreed to
enact, |
W. Hammond
to build
a bridge, &c. |
II. And be it
therefore enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the said William Hammond shall have full power and authority to build,
and lay, at the place commonly called Hammond's Ferry, on Patapsco River,
a floating bridge across the said river Patapsco; which said bridge, when
built and fixed, shall be of sufficient width and strength for all carriages
to pass
and repass over the same; and it shall and may be lawful for the said
Hammond, and all and every person or persons claiming under him, to ask,
and receive, for the term of twenty years hereafter, as toll, or a compensation
for the safe transportation over the said ferry, according to the rates
following, to wit, every four-wheel riding carriage, including horses and
one shilling; every waggon, and other four-wheel carriages, horses
and driver, one shilling; every waggon, and other four-wheel carriages,
and driver, one shilling and four-pence; every man and horse, four-pence;
foot person, or single horse, two-pence; horned and other cattle per head,
one penny:
Which tolls are hereby rated in current money, and may be discharged in
milled dollars, at the rate of seven shillings and six-pence each; provided
and it is the true intent and meaning of this act, that the said William
and all persons claiming under him, shall not be permitted, in virtue
any power vested in him or them by this act, to obstruct, or in any manner
the passing and repassing of any vessels of any size, description or name,
up and down the said river Patapsco, but that the said William Hammond,
all those claiming under him, shall be obliged to have a free passage kept
either by a draw-bridge or otherwise, for all vessels of every size or
description to
pass and repass through the said floating bridge; and provided also, that
the said
William Hammond shall enter into bond, with security, to be approved of
Baltimore county court, to finish the said bridge within the term of three
and keep the same in repair during the term of twenty years aforesaid,
and to
comply with the terms and conditions enjoined on him by this act. |
Road deemed
public, &c. |
III. And be
it further enacted, That the road leading from Hammond's ferry
to the Baltimore iron-works, in Baltimore county, shall be deemed and taken, |