penalties and conditions, as by the laws of this state are provided
for insolvent
debtors who are confined for debt not exceeding two hundred pounds
sterling. |
Trustees to
sell the estate,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said trustees as aforesaid, or any two of them,
shall be and are hereby authorised to sell and dispose of, at public
sale, all or any
part of the estate both real and personal of the said Robert Long,
from time to
time, and on such terms of payment, as they or any two of them shall
advisable and proper, and just payments and dividends to make of the
arising from such sales among the creditors of the said Robert Long. |
And enter
into bond,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said trustees as aforesaid, or any two of them,
at the time of the execution of the deed of trust to them as aforesaid
by the said
Robert Long, shall enter into bond, payable to the state of Maryland,
in the
penalty of six thousand pounds current money, for the faithful discharge
of the
trust reposed in them by this act, and for their paying away all such
sums of
money as they shall or may receive from the property of the said Robert
among the creditors of the said Robert Long, according to their respective
which said bond shall be lodged with the clerk of Baltimore county,
any creditor of the said Robert Long conceiving himself aggrieved by
the act
or proceedings of the said trustees, shall and may be entitled to a
copy of the
said bond, and may institute a suit thereon for his use, and the same
remedy and
proceedings shall be had in favour od said creditors as on other public
bonds. |
J. Rooney,
&c. entitled
to the benefit
of a former
act, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the said James Rooney and Andrew Stigar, or
either of them, on their complying with the terms prescribed by the
act of assembly,
entitled, An act for the relief of insolvent debtors, made and passed
a session of assembly begun and held at the city of Annapolis, on the
day of March, seventeen hundred and seventy-four, shall be entitled
to all and
every benefit and advantage arising from the said act to persons not
indebted beyond
the sum of two hundred pounds sterling. |
Passed December
22. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to grant to Gabriel Peterson
Vanhorn an exclusive right to keep stage carriages
on the
public road from the river Susquehanna to the river
Patowmack. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn has, by his petition
to this general
assembly, set forth, that the legislature of Maryland, at November
session, seventeen hundred and eighty-five, granted him an
exclusive right (under certain regulations) to carry on and support
stage carriages
between the river Patowmack and Susquehanna, and that eh object of
such grant
was to indemnify him in attempting and bringing to perfection an institution
great public utility, and to encourage his further exertions therein;
that from
the declension of commerce, the want of public bridges, and the ruinous
of the highways, he has been subjected to very heavy losses, and has
been, and
will probably during the residue of the term granted him be prevented
benefiting by the said exclusive privilege; that the institution has
been found to
be of great public advantage, and that the speedy and punctual conveyance
the mail principally depends on its support; and prayed that an act
may pass
enlarging the term of his grant, so as to enable him to reap the benefit
intended to be conferred on him; and this general assembly thinking
the prayer
of said petition reasonable, |
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the sole and exclusive
permission, privilege and right, given and granted by the said act
to the
said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, his executors, administrators and assigns,
for the
term of five years, commencing on the first day of February, one thousand
hundred and eighty-six, shall be, and it is hereby given, granted and
to the said Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn, his executors, administrators
and assigns,
in addition to the term mentioned in said act, until the first day
in February, in
the year seventeen hundred and ninety-four; and every provision, clause,
matter |