XV. |
justices of the said county for the time being shall, and they are hereby
and empowered to assess and levy, in equal proportions on the property
the said county liable to assessment, at the time of laying the county
rate, the
sum of three hundred pounds current money, in the year of our Lord seventeen
hundred and eighty-nine, together with the collector's commission of
six per
centum thereon for collecting the same; which said rate and assessment,
so as
aforesaid to be laid and levied, shall be collected by the collector of
said county
in the same manner and at the same time as the county rate is collected;
and the
said money, when so as aforesaid collected, shall be paid by the said
collector to
such trustees for the poor, or the major part of them, as are by this act
who are hereby authorised and required to receive and apply the same to
the uses
and purposes herein after directed. |
Trustees appointed,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That for the time being the several persons hereafter
named be and are hereby appointed trustees of the poor within the said
and are empowered with full and sufficient authority to discharge the several
offices, duties and trusts, reposed and required of them by this act; that
is to
say, Messieurs Richard Tilghman, Vachel Downs, Richard Bennett Carmichael,
George Jackson, Francis Hall, Aquila Brown, George Finley, Edward Wright
and Philip Fiddeman; the which persons, or the major part of them, in case
of the death or absence of any, are hereby required, with all convenient
to meet at such place within their county as to them shall seem meet, to
themselves for the office of trustees for the poor of their county, which
they are
to do by taking and subscribing the several oaths, or affirmations, appointed
law to be taken to the government, and also taking the following oath,
" I, A. B. do swear, or affirm, that I will duly and faithfully discharge
the duties
and trust committed to me as a trustee for the poor of Queen-Anne's
county, by
an act of the general assembly, entitled, An act for the relief of the
poor in Queen-Anne's
county, according to the best of my skill and knowledge. So help
me God:"
the which oaths are to be administered by any of the five persons last
named for the
county to the person first named, or in his absence to any ne of the
three persons
first named that shall be there present, the which person, being sworn
as aforesaid,
shall administer the oaths aforementioned to all the rest, and so successively,
person first named that shall be present shall always administer the said
oaths to
any that have been absent, or that shall hereafter be elected and chosen
to the directions of this act, to supply the place of any that shall be
dead, or
removed out of the county, or of any who shall refuse or neglect to qualify
and act
as a trustee, when elected and chosen pursuant to the directions of this
act; and
the aforesaid persons, or the majority of them, being sworn as aforesaid,
shall be
constituted and qualified as trustees for the poor of Queen-Anne's county,
in all and every cause, complaint and action, real, personal or mixed,
of whatever
kind or nature it shall be, in any court of judicature within this state,
by that name they and any of them, and their successors, shall and they
are hereby
enabled to take, hold, possess and enjoy, any gift, donation or present,
shall or may hereafter be given, devised or bequeathed, by any person or
whatsoever, to them or any of them, for or towards the support and maintenance
of the poor in the said county; and they or any of them may receive, by
of subscription, any sum or sums of money which shall or may be given for
better and more speedy promoting the benefit and good by this act intended;
that they have full power, authority and ability, to purchase, take, hold,
enjoy and have, to them and their successors for ever, any lands, tenements
hereditaments, not exceeding the yearly value of five hundred pounds current
money, and are hereby empowered and authorised to use one common seal in
business relating to the said corporation, and the same, if necessary,
to change and
alter; and that the said persons so incorporated, and their successors,
shall be the
true and undoubted trustees, in perpetual succession for ever, to be continued
in the
way and manner hereafter specified, with full and absolute power, liberty
authority, in the making and ordaining such laws, orders and rules, for
the better |