XXI. And,
to prevent individuals from being unreasonably burthened with
the execution of this act, as trustees for the poor, Be
it enacted, That at the
time of the meeting of the said trustees for the poor in the first week
of November
yearly, the said trustees, or the major part of them, in the county aforesaid,
shall and may elect and choose two of the inhabitants of the sid county
to be
trustees for the poor of that county, in the stead of the first two named
or eldest
of the said trustees of the same county; which said first named or eldest
shall be, and is by virtue hereof, thencefrom discharged from their office. |
Two trustees
to be chosen
annually, &c. |
XXII. And be
it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the trustees
aforesaid, or the major part of them, to rent an house or houses in the
said county,
for the reception of such poor, vagrants, vagabonds, or other offenders,
the necessary lot or lots of ground adjoining to such house or houses,
as convenient
to the court-house as may be in the same county, for the reception and
accommodation of the said poor, vagrants, vagabonds, and other offenders,
a sufficient sum of money be raised in virtue of this act, to enable the
said trustees
to purchase the land and erect the buildings herein before mentioned; and
justices of said county are hereby empowered and enjoined annually, at
the court
for laying the county rate, to assess on the taxable property of the said
a sufficient sum to discharge the rent aforesaid, with the collector's
of six per cent. thereon; which sum so as aforesaid assessed, shall
be collected and
paid by the said collector to the said trustees, or the major part of them,
to be
by them applied to the purposes aforesaid; and the said trustees, or the
part of them, are hereby empowered and required, as soon as such house
houses aforesaid are procured on rent, to proceed to the appointment of
an overseer,
and other officers and servants as are mentioned in this act, and to do
perform every other matter and thing necessary to the carrying the said
act into
execution, according to the true intent and meaning thereof. |
Trustees to
rent an house,
&c. |
An ACT for the relief of
the poor of Queen-Anne's county. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS many of the inhabitants of Queen-Anne's
county, by their
humble petition to this general assembly, hath set forth, that the
taxes for the support of the poor of their county are very heavy and
burthensome, but are, notwithstanding, under the present regulations, inadequate
to the comfortable subsistence of said poor; that a work-house has become
for the reception and employment of beggars, vagrants and vagabonds;
and that the free-school of the said county does not answer the purposes
of its
institution; and have therefore prayed, that an act may pass to appropriate
said free-school, with the land and funds belonging to the same, to
the use of an
alms and work-house for the said county. |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the free-school
property of the said county, of what nature soever, and the funds appropriated
to the use thereof, be and are hereby vested in the trustees within named,
their successors, and shall be taken and held by them for the use and as
funds for
the relief and support of the poor of said county; and the visitors of
the free-school
in the said county are hereby authorised, required and directed, to deliver
to the said trustees all the free-school property aforesaid, and to
render unto them
a full and just account of the profits thereof, and also of any sum or
sums of
money or tobacco which may be owing to the said school; and if there shall
be any money or tobacco owing to the said school, the visitors shall, and
hereby required, to draw an order or orders for the same to the said
trustees, and
their successors, for the uses and purposes aforesaid. |
Property vested
in trustees,
&c. |
III. And,
whereas there are buildings upon the said land which may be repaired
and converted into alms and work-houses, and others which may be judged
necessary by the said trustees for the purposes in this act mentioned may
erected and built on the said land, at a moderate expence, and the same
ought to
be effected at the general charge of the said county, Be
it enacted, That the |
Justices to levy
&c. |