WHEREAS William Purnell was prevented the ice from
making his second
payment on his bond due to this state for black and continental state
agreeably to the resolves of the general assembly passed at April session,
hundred and eighty-seven; RESOLVED, That the time for the said William
Purnell to make his second and third payments into the treasury of the
shore, shall be extended to the first day of December next, and that the
issued against the said William Purnell be countermanded, he paying the
costs arising thereon.
WHEREAS Thomas Gassaway and Robert Dorsey, securities
of John Dorsey
to the state, are liable to be executed for the debts of the said John
to the state, which the said John Dorsey might have paid off in final settlement
certificates, under the resolutions of April session, seventeen hundred
and eighty-seven;
RESOLVED, That no execution shall issue on the said bonds of the said
John Dorsey, wherein the said Thomas Gassaway and Robert Dorsey are security,
until the tenth day of February next, and that the treasurer shall receive
in payment
for the said debts final settlement certificates, agreeably to the said
at any time before the said tenth day of February next.
RESOLVED, That the forfeiture of the first payment
made for confiscated
property by Edward Watts, of Baltimore county, in final settlement certificates,
under the resolves of April session, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven,
remitted; and that if the said Edward Watts shall discharge the balance
still remaining
due on or before the first day of September next, that no execution
shall be issued against him.
WHEREAS Robert Long, of Baltimore county, purchased
of this state
eleven hundred and six acres and one fourth part of an acre of land, being
of the Principio company's lands, for five thousand five hundred and thirty-eight
pounds two shillings and six-pence, and gave one bond for the whole purchase
money: And whereas the said Robert Long hath represented, that he
can sell
three hundred and four acres, part thereof, for three thousand and forty
provided the state will grant a title for the same, on receiving the purchase
therefor: RESOLVED, That upon the said Robert Long's paying into
treasury of this state the sum of three thousand and forty pounds in depreciation
certificates, computing principal and interest, in part of his bond for
property, that the said Robert Long, or his assigns, be and are hereby
to apply for and obtain a deed for the lots No. 1 and 2, containing two
hundred and four acres, and part of lot No. 77, containing one hundred
being the north-west end of the said lot.
WHEREAS several collectors of the tax have made their
first payment,
agreeably to an act passed at November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven,
and are making exertions to complete their second and third payments;
RESOLVED, That the issuing executions against the aforesaid collectors
who have
made their first payment as aforesaid, shall be suspended until the twentieth
of August next.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be authorised
and requested
to pay out of the money collected in virtue of the act to procure a
fund for the debt due from this state to Messieurs Vanstaphorst, the interest
for the present year on the loan negotiated by Messieurs Nicholas and Jacob
and that afterwards they pay out of the said money the interest advanced
on the loan by the said Messieurs Nicholas and Jacob Vanstaphorst on
behalf of this state.