RESOLUTIONS assented to
of said province, and the said proprietors also claim an interest in
parcels of said land; RESOLVED, That no proceedings be had against
the purchasers
before the end of the next session of assembly, and that when the claims
above mentioned are adjusted, patents may issue on such lands as this
state had a
right in, any defect in the authority of the late intendant to sell
the same to the
contrary notwithstanding.
RESOLVED, That the auditor-general settle with Richard
Sansbury for his
depreciation of pay, and that the treasurer of the western shore grant
him a certificate
for what balance may be certified to be due by the auditor-general.
UPON a second reading of the report of the committee
appointed on the petition
of Doctor Henry Stevenson, RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western
shore deliver to the said Henry Stevenson a certificate payable as
other public creditors,
or discountable in taxes, at his option, for the amount of all money
by the said treasurer, first deducting the commission on the sales
of the
confiscated property of the said Henry Stevenson; and that the said
treasurer shall
also deliver and assign to the said Henry Stevenson, all such bonds
as have been
taken for the sales of any of the property aforesaid that remain unpaid,
either in
the whole or in part, upon the said Henry Stevenson giving bond to
the state,
with such security as the treasurer shall approve, for the payment
of all just debts
due from the said Henry Stevenson to any citizen of this or any of
the United
States, and contracted before the confiscation of his property; and
the said
Henry Stevenson, on receipt of the said bonds, shall, in the name of
the state,
and for his own use and benefit, have the same remedy for the recovery
of the
money due thereon as the state now has by law.
WHEREAS by a resolve passed at April session, seventeen
hundred and
eighty-seven, all persons indebted to the state for purchases made
in black and
continental state money, were permitted to pay off their debts in final
certificates, and may of the said debtors have, in compliance with
the said
resolves, discharged two third parts of their debts, and have applied
to be allowed
a longer time to pay off the residue; RESOLVED, That the time limited
for the last payment be extended until the first day of September next,
and that
no execution issue against the said debtors which have made the two
payments in
final settlement certificates at the times limited thereby, until the
said first day
of September next.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
grant a certificate,
payable in taxes, to Benjamin Amos, of Harford county, for the sum
of nine
pounds nineteen shillings and six-pence, on account of two land warrants.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore,
upon the receipt, by
the first day of September next, of the amount of the final settlement
for which the trustees, under the act, entitled, An act to empower
Sarah Buchanan,
executrix of Archibald Buchanan, deceased, Alexander Cowan, Thomas
Sim Lee, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, and Benjamin Nicholson, have
sold the real property of the said Archibald Buchanan, shall be empowered,
and he is hereby directed, further to suspend all further proceedings
against the
securities of the said Archibald Buchanan, until the end of the next
session of
RESOLVED, That no collection be made of the fines
incurred by Samuel
Hughes, Josiah Johnson, Archibald Patison, Walter Bowie and George
for not attending this session as members of the general assembly,
until the
end of the next session.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
be and he is hereby
directed to receive from the securities of the aforesaid Thomas Williams
(in discharge
of the interest now due, or that may hereafter become due, on the debt
aforesaid; any certificates that have been or may be received from
the debtors by